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Third Grade (Grade 3) Autobiography and Biography Questions

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Grade 3 Autobiography and Biography
Your teacher is reading to you out of a book with the title, "The Life of Rosa Parks", written by John Smith. She asks if the book is a biography or an autobiography. Which one is it?
  1. an Autobiography
  2. a Biography
Grade 3 Autobiography and Biography
If you pick up a book with the title, "How I became Honest Abe", written by Abraham Lincoln, you know that this book is                 .
  1. a Biography
  2. an Autobiography
Grade 3 Autobiography and Biography
An                 autobiography                is a story that a person writes about their own life.
Grade 3 Autobiography and Biography
A biography is a story about a                           person or person's life                          that is written by                someone else               .
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