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Third Grade (Grade 3) Daily Routines Questions

You can create printable tests and worksheets from these Grade 3 Daily Routines questions! Select one or more questions using the checkboxes above each question. Then click the add selected questions to a test button before moving to another page.

Grade 3 Daily Routines
What do you write on?
  1. car
  2. paper
  3. crayon
  4. backpack
Grade 3 Daily Routines
What do you write with?
  1. a chair
  2. a pencil
  3. a banana
  4. a notebook
Grade 3 Daily Routines
Who is in charge of the class?
  1. janitor
  2. parent
  3. teacher
  4. secretary
Grade 3 Daily Routines
What do you read from in the classroom?
  1. teacher
  2. textbook
  3. toothbrush
  4. toilet paper
Grade 3 Daily Routines
What do you put your books and papers in to take them from school to your home?
  1. desk
  2. lunchbox
  3. backpack
  4. pencil case
Grade 3 Daily Routines
What rings to tell you class is over?
  1. bell
  2. phone
  3. teacher
  4. sharpener
Grade 3 Daily Routines
What do you do if your pencil doesn't write anymore?
  1. color it
  2. break it
  3. brighten it
  4. sharpen it
Grade 3 Daily Routines
What does the teacher teach the class?
  1. a pencil
  2. a lesson
  3. a principal
  4. a notebook
Grade 3 Daily Routines
What does the teacher write on?
  1. chair
  2. board
  3. marker
  4. backpack
Grade 3 Daily Routines
Where do you sit?
  1. at a desk
  2. on the floor
  3. under the rug
  4. in the cupboard
Grade 3 Daily Routines
Where do we put peanut butter?
  1. On a pencil
  2. On a book
  3. On bread
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