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Foreign Languages Questions - All Grades

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Grade 6 Spanish
The expression in Spanish "llegamos a tiempo" means:
  1. it's too early
  2. we arrived on time
  3. it's late
  4. we have time
  5. what time is it?
Grade 6 Spanish
Which is the Spanish word for dawn?
  1. atardecer
  2. crepúsculo
  3. amanecer
  4. anochecher
Grade 9 Spanish
A Juan                hablar español.
  1. quiere
  2. le gusta
  3. me gustan
  4. estudia
Grade 7 French
Some parents-
  1. deux parents
  2. des parent
  3. des parents
  4. None of the Above
Grade 1 Spanish
This color in Spanish is verde. It is the color of grass in spring.
  1. blue
  2. yellow
  3. green
Grade 7 French
Fill in the blank using the correct contraction with 'de'
Je joue ____ piano.
  1. des
  2. du
  3. de la
  4. de l'
Grade 7 French
Fill in the blank using the correct contraction with 'de'
Le chat _____ filles est beau.
  1. des
  2. du
  3. de la
  4. de l'
Grade 7 French
Fill in the blank using the correct contraction with 'de'
Le chien ___ garcon est grand.
  1. des
  2. du
  3. de la
  4. de l'
Grade 7 French
Fill in the blank using the correct contraction with 'de'
Le chien     du     garcon est grand.
Grade 6 Spanish
Estoy Bien means..
  1. I am bad
  2. I am fine
  3. How are you
  4. What are you doing
  5. Sleep Well
Grade 7 Spanish
Come se llama? means What is your name.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 7 French
Some Grandparents-
  1. des grand-parents
  2. d'grand-parent
  3. de grands-parents
  4. des grand- parents
Grade 6 Spanish
Cuantos anos Tienes?
  1. Nice to meet you
  2. are you ok
  3. see you tomorrow
  4. How old are you
Grade 7 French
A niece-
  1. un niece
  2. une niece
  3. des niece
  4. None of the Above
Grade 10 Spanish
Cual compañía es el primer fabricante de telefonos moviles?
  1. MacCaw Cellular Communications
  2. Motorola
  3. Microsoft
  4. Nada por encima
Grade 7 Spanish
  1. shy
  2. sincere
  3. nice
  4. blonde
Grade 9 Spanish
Que=How many
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 7 French
True or False? Nous avont jouer au football american.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 7 Spanish
  1. intelligent
  2. easy
  3. interesting
  4. icky
Grade 7 Spanish
If el was being changed from plural to singular, it would be changed to ellas
  1. True
  2. False
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