Mrs. Carrouth wants to come to the school musical but she can't find a baby sitter for her 2 year old son. She really wants to see the play because her 5th grade daughter has a part in the show. What is the best choice Mrs. Carrouth should make.
She should bring her 2 year old son and sit on the front row. After all, her daughter is in the play and she wants to be able to watch her perform.
Mrs. Carrouth should stay home. Two-year olds aren't old enough to sit through a 2 hour performance. She can have a friend video tape the performance.
Mrs. Carrouth should pay her new neighbor to watch her son. She doesn't know her well but she's probably nice because she is the new neighbor.
She should bring her 2 year old to the show and sit close to the door. If he cries she can quietly slip out so other audience members and the actors are not disturbed.