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Second Grade (Grade 2) Seasons and Holidays Questions

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Grade 2 Seasons and Holidays
Is this an animal?
Thanksgiving - Turkey - Small
  1. Yes
  2. No
Grade 2 Seasons and Holidays
Does this float on water?
  1. Yes
  2. No
Grade 2 Seasons and Holidays
Can you wear this?
Thanksgiving - Pilgrim Hat - Small
  1. Yes
  2. No
Grade 2 Seasons and Holidays
Is this a pilgrim?
Thanksgiving - Indian Man - Small
  1. Yes
  2. No
Grade 2 Seasons and Holidays
Can you eat this?
Fall - Leaves - Small
  1. Yes
  2. No
Grade 2 Seasons and Holidays
Is this a plant?
Fall - Corn - Small
  1. Yes
  2. No
Grade 2 Seasons and Holidays
Will you see this at Thanksgiving?
Hanukkah - Menorah - Small
  1. Yes
  2. No
Grade 2 Seasons and Holidays
Is this soft?
Fall - Pumkin - Small
  1. Yes
  2. No
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