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Punxsutawney can't keep something this big to itself. Other prognosticating rodents are popping up to claim a piece of the action. Most of these furry "forecasters" have a following that includes locals, visitors and the media. The revered groundhogs typically preside over festival events before making their grand appearance to check for shadows on the morning of February 2. Some of these notable contenders include General Beauregard Lee of Atlanta, Georgia; Wiarton Willie of Wiarton, Ontario, Canada; Sir Walter Wally of Raleigh, North Carolina; and Jimmy of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin.
There are even more "groundhog forecasters" in the running such as Octorara Orphie of Quarryville, Pennsylvania—competition right next door to Phil—Staten Island Chuck from the Staten Island Zoo, Unadilla who hails from Nebraska, Buckeye Chuck from Ohio, French Creek from West Virginia and the Cajun Groundhog from Louisiana. Ridge Lea Larry is a "stuffed groundhog" from Western New York, and the Tennessee Groundhog of Silver Point, Tennessee, is actually someone dressed up like a groundhog on a motorcycle.
- To explain why groundhogs are used
- To show that Punxsutawney Phil is one of many groundhogs
- To describe why Groundhog Day became famous
- To introduce readers to another famous groundhog