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Common Core Standard CCRA.R.5 Questions

Analyze the structure of texts, including how specific sentences, paragraphs, and larger portions of the text (e.g., a section, chapter, scene, or stanza) relate to each other and the whole.

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Grade 4 English Language Arts CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RI.4.5

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Grade 3 Poetry CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.3.5

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Grade 8 Reading Strategies CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RI.8.5
What change can be made to step 5 to improve the clarity of the directions?
  1. add an illustraion of a rain barrel so the reader knows what is
  2. add desciptive text explaining the size of the rain barrel so the reader will know if one is feasible for his home.
  3. give short directions about how to make or whee to find a rain barrel system.
  4. all of the above would improve the clarity.
Grade 4 Reading Strategies CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RI.4.5

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Grade 2 Reading Strategies CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RI.2.5
The title of the passage is?
  1. It's Raining!
  2. How do rainbows form?
  3. April Showers
  4. What is a thunderstorm?
Grade 6 A Christmas Carol CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.6.5

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The Ghost of Christmas Future had Scrooge listen in on others' conversations. What were they talking about?
  1. the death of Tiny Tim
  2. Scrooge's death
  3. the debts they owed
  4. Scrooge's nephew
Grade 2 Reading Strategies CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RI.2.5
What is a heading from the passage?
  1. Spring is here.
  2. The rain drops reach the ground as water.
  3. Why does it rain?
  4. April Showers
Grade 5 Short Stories (Fiction) CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.5.5

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This passage is mostly written in the format of a
  1. diary.
  2. letter.
  3. article.
  4. newspaper.
Grade 9 Reading Strategies CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RI.9-10.5
By rereading the information in the third paragraph of the article, what can you INFER (assume) the Crusaders thought their march to Jerusalem would be like?
  1. That it would be some awesome adventure they were going on.
  2. It was going to be a very serious mission and many of them did not want to go.
  3. The venture to capture Jerusalem from the Fatimids was going to be fun and relatively easy.
  4. That many of them would get fame and fortune by traveling and conquering everything they saw.
Grade 6 Text Elements CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RI.6.5
People on Maryland's Eastern Shore say that their part of the state is different, and they're right. "Eastern Shore" means the east side of Chesapeake Bay. The west has Maryland's largest city, Baltimore, and the state capital, Annapolis. It has the crowded suburbs of Washington, D.C. The Eastern Shore has birds, rivers, and beaches.
Life is slower east of Chesapeake Bay. The land is flat and marshy. There are many small farm communities and country roads, but no large cities. There are many little shops, but few "chain" stores. There are vacation resorts for visitors to enjoy the water, wildlife, and quiet. But there are also "waterman villages," where people earn a living from crabs, oysters and fish as Marylanders have done since the 1600's.
In the Western Shore, flat land near the bay gives way to rolling hills. There are many boats, but few working fishing boaters. You'll find mostly pleasure craft in Annapolis, and cargo ships in Baltimore's busy port. South of Baltimore, farmland is being covered by homes and shopping malls. Annapolis has the United States Naval Academy. The Navy also tests airplanes at a base on the Western Shore.
Of course neither shore of Chesapeake Bay is all one thing. The Western Shore has its share of vacation spots, old farmhouses, and peaceful rivers. Both regions boast state parks, great seafood, and historic sites. And you can get up-to-date health care or video-game machine in many Eastern Shore communities as well as in Baltimore.

This text is in the following format:
  1. cause & effect
  2. sequential of events
  3. main idea & supporting details
  4. comparison & contrast
Grade 6 A Christmas Carol CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.6.5

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Marley's ghost said Scrooge would receive visitors. Who were those visitors?
  1. three spirits
  2. his nieces and nephews
  3. the police
  4. people he had wronged
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