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Common Core Standard RL.5.5 Questions

Explain how a series of chapters, scenes, or stanzas fits together to provide the overall structure of a particular story, drama, or poem.

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Grade 5 Short Stories (Fiction) CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.5.5

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This passage is mostly written in the format of a
  1. diary.
  2. letter.
  3. article.
  4. newspaper.
Grade 5 Story Elements CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.5.5

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In the story, how do paragraphs 2 and 3 contribute to the overall structure of the story?
  1. They introduce the main action in the story.
  2. They provide the point of view of the gnat.
  3. They contrast the gnat's thoughts with the bull's thoughts.
  4. They offer a moral for the story.
Grade 5 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.5.5
On February 7, 1867, Laura Ingalls was born in the Big Woods near Pepin, Wisconsin. She was the second daughter born to Charles and Caroline Ingalls. Laura lived through a difficult period of history and overcame a variety of struggles. Yet through it all, she still managed to become a great and valuable author of children's books. It is through her contributions that many children have learned about life on the frontier.

Laura moved more than once in her life. In her early life it was always by covered wagon. Laura's father was inspired by the Homestead Act of 1862 which made it possible to obtain 160 acres of land with certain provisions. With this in mind he took his family to Montgomery County in Kansas and settled there. The land that they had settled on was technically Native American Territory, so not long after they moved there they were forced to move out. In 1871, they moved back to Wisconsin. In 1874, the family settled in Plum Creek, Minnesota, and lived there for several years. Later, the Ingalls moved to the town of De Smet in Dakota Territory. They were the first settlers in the town. While here, the Ingalls once again attempted to get land through the provisions of the Homestead Act. They succeeded, and in 1886 Charles Ingalls officially had a farm of his own.

The settlers of the frontier faced many challenges including the threat of horrendous weather, starvation, plagues, and sickness. For example, in 1874 there was a giant Grasshopper Plague that swept in a Z shape across the lands of Oregon, Dakota Territory, Kansas, and Missouri. Lakes of grasshoppers three inches deep were not uncommon. The grasshoppers devoured everything around them. They ate the crops, the vegetables, clothing, and even each other. Many of the settlers had to leave the lands due to the plague.

Which sentence from the passage shows cause and effect?
  1. Laura moved more than once in her life.
  2. Later, the Ingalls moved to the town of De Smet in Dakota Territory.
  3. The land that they had settled on was technically Native American Territory, so not long after they moved there they were forced to move out.
  4. Many of the settlers had to leave the lands due to the plague.
Grade 5 Poetic Devices CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.5.5

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What is the rhyme scheme of this poem?

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