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Social Sciences Questions - All Grades

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Grade 7 Psychology
Which mental health condition is often symbolized by a green ribbon, commonly associated with World Mental Health Day?
  1. Bipolar disorder
  2. Schizophrenia
  3. Depression
  4. Anxiety disorders
Grade 7 Psychology
What is the primary objective of World Mental Health Day?
  1. To raise awareness about physical health
  2. To promote healthy eating habits
  3. To raise awareness about mental health issues and advocate for mental health support
  4. To celebrate achievements in the field of medicine
Grade 7 Psychology
In addition to raising awareness, what is one of the goals of World Mental Health Day?
  1. To promote mental health disorders as a sign of weakness
  2. To provide free mental health treatment on that day
  3. To encourage people to seek help for mental health issues
  4. To celebrate mental health disorders
Grade 7 Psychology
What is the theme for World Mental Health Day in 2022?
  1. "You Are Not Alone"
  2. "Mental Health for All: Let's Act Now"
  3. "Stigma-Free Minds"
  4. "Mind Matters"
Grade 7 Psychology
When is World Mental Health Day observed worldwide?
  1. January 1st
  2. October 10th
  3. March 20th
  4. December 25th
Grade 7 Psychology
Approximately how many people worldwide are estimated to be living with a mental health disorder?
  1. 1 million
  2. 10 million
  3. 100 million
  4. 1 billion
Grade 7 Psychology
Which international organization promotes and supports World Mental Health Day?
  1. United Nations (UN)
  2. World Health Organization (WHO)
  3. International Red Cross
  4. United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
College Social Sciences
What is the physiological view of dreams and interpretations?
  1. Simple, random neural firing.
  2. Process of information while sleeping.
  3. Reaction to medicines while sleeping.
  4. Too much caffeine before sleeping.
None Social Sciences
What was Eleanor Roosevelt's role during World War II?
  1. She served in the military
  2. She traveled extensively, visiting troops and boosting morale
  3. She worked as a war correspondent
  4. She helped to draft the Treaty of Versailles
None Social Sciences
What did Eleanor Roosevelt help to draft?
  1. The Constitution
  2. The Declaration of Independence
  3. The Bill of Rights
  4. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Grade 9 Psychology
               reasoning is when conclusions are reached based upon general laws/theories.
  1. fallacious
  2. deductive
  3. inductive
  4. logical
Grade 7 Psychology
Which age group is most affected by mental health issues, according to global statistics?
  1. Children and adolescents
  2. Young adults
  3. Middle-aged adults
  4. Older adults
Grade 7 Psychology
What color is often associated with mental health awareness and is used in campaigns on World Mental Health Day?
  1. Blue
  2. Green
  3. Red
  4. Yellow
Grade 7 Psychology
What is one of the key messages of World Mental Health Day?
  1. "Ignore mental health issues, and they'll go away on their own."
  2. "Mental health problems only affect adults."
  3. "Let's talk about mental health openly and without stigma."
  4. "Mental health is solely an individual's responsibility."
None Social Sciences
What was Eleanor Roosevelt's nickname?
  1. Lady of Liberty
  2. First Lady of the United States
  3. Mother of the Nation
  4. First Lady of the World
None Social Sciences
What did Eleanor Roosevelt work to promote in regards to African Americans?
  1. Gender equality
  2. Education
  3. Voting rights
  4. Civil rights
None Social Sciences
What was Eleanor Roosevelt's role in the New Deal policies during the Great Depression?
  1. She was a vocal critic
  2. She was a supporter
  3. She was neutral
  4. She was not involved
Grade 9 Psychology
The maple tree's leaves have changed color every autumn for the past 35 years. Therefore, they will change color again this autumn. This is an example of                 reasoning.
  1. logical
  2. inductive
  3. deductive
  4. fallacious
Grade 11 Sociology
Which of the following best defines sociology?
  1. The study of individual behavior
  2. The study of cultures
  3. The study of society and social interaction
  4. The study of economics
None Social Sciences
What is the Women's Trade Union League?
  1. A labor union for women
  2. A women's rights organization
  3. A political party for women
  4. A college for women
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