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First Grade (Grade 1) Social Sciences Questions

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Grade 1 Social Sciences
You think somebody is being cruel by making fun of a kid on the playground. What would a good citizen do?
  1. ask the cruel person to use kind words
  2. be cruel too
  3. hit the cruel person
Grade 1 Social Sciences
Your teacher asks the class to be quiet after somebody said something really funny. What would a good citizen do?
  1. continue to laugh
  2. make another joke
  3. be quiet
Grade 1 Social Sciences
What tools are in homes today that were not in homes in the past?
  1. pencils
  2. clothes
  3. dishwasher
Grade 1 Social Sciences
An address is                     .
  1. in a recipe
  2. a chair
  3. used to find a house
Grade 1 Social Sciences
Some people have pets at home. Name one thing that you must do for a pet.
Grade 1 Social Sciences
Some people put trash on the ground. Why is this a bad idea?
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