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Kindergarten Social Sciences Questions

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Kindergarten Social Sciences
The stripes on the American flag stand for:
  1. 50 original colonies
  2. 13 people
  3. 50 states
  4. 13 original colonies
Kindergarten Social Sciences
The holiday that Americans celebrate because the Native Americans and Pilgrims had a feast together is called:
  1. Christmas
  2. Thanksgiving
  3. Halloween
  4. Easter
Kindergarten Social Sciences
Who sailed the ocean in 1492 and ended up in America?
  1. Amerigo Vespucci
  2. Abraham Lincoln
  3. Christopher Columbus
  4. George Washington
Kindergarten Social Sciences
Who was the person who designed the first American flag after the Revolutionary War?
  1. Betsy Ross
  2. Harriet Tubman
  3. Benjamin Franklin
  4. Alexander Hamilton
Kindergarten Social Sciences
The three ships that Christopher Columbus sailed to America in were the                                        Nina, The Pinta, and The Santa Maria                                       .
Kindergarten Social Sciences
The ship that the Pilgrims sailed to America on was called:
  1. The Pinta
  2. The Pilgrimage
  3. The Mayflower
  4. The Sunship
Kindergarten Social Sciences
The American flag has         fifty         stars and            thirteen            stripes.
Kindergarten Social Sciences
The seven continents in the world are                 North America                ,                 South America                ,          Europe         ,        Asia       ,          Africa         ,                                           Antarctica[/blank, and [blank]Australia                                          .
Kindergarten Social Sciences
The ship that the Pilgrims sailed to America on was called:
  1. The Pinta
  2. The Pilgrimage
  3. The Mayflower
  4. The Sunship
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