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Kindergarten Math Questions

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Kindergarten Three Dimensional Shapes CCSS: K.G.B.4
Use the solid figure shown to answer the following:

How many faces does the figure have?      6     

How many corners does the figure have?      8     

How many edges does the figure have?      12     
Kindergarten Counting and Comparing Numbers CCSS: K.CC.B.4a
Which one spells the number 6?
  1. One
  2. Six
  3. Twenty
  4. Five
Kindergarten Three Dimensional Shapes CCSS: K.G.B.4
Use the solid figure shown to answer the following:

How many faces does the figure have?      5     

How many corners does the figure have?      6     

How many edges does the figure have?      9     
Triangular Prism
Kindergarten Basic Shapes CCSS: K.G.A.2
What shape is the clock?
Clock 01:50
  1. Cube
  2. Circle
  3. Sphere
  4. Square
Kindergarten Counting and Comparing Numbers CCSS: K.CC.C.7
Count the blocks:

One CubeOne CubeOne CubeOne CubeOne CubeOne CubeOne CubeOne Cube

Which number is less than the number of blocks?
  1. 7
  2. 8
  3. 9
Kindergarten Basic Shapes CCSS: K.G.B.4
Which is the same type of shape as this shape?

Isosceles Triangle v2
  1. Circle
  2. Obtuse Triangle v2
  3. Parallelogram v1
  4. Square
Kindergarten Counting and Comparing Numbers CCSS: K.CC.A.1
Write the missing numbers.

a)       0     , 1, 2, 3,      4     

b) 88, 89,      90     ,      91     , 92

c) 26, 27, 28,      29     ,      30     
Kindergarten Addition
What is 1 + 1?
  1. 4
  2. 3
  3. 2
  4. 1
  5. 0
Kindergarten Counting and Comparing Numbers CCSS: K.CC.B.5
How many coins?

Dime - headsDime - headsDime - headsDime - headsDime - headsDime - heads
Dime - headsDime - headsDime - headsDime - headsDime - headsDime - heads
Dime - headsDime - headsDime - headsDime - headsDime - headsDime - heads
  1. 3
  2. 6
  3. 12
  4. 18
Kindergarten Counting and Comparing Numbers CCSS: K.CC.C.7
Count the balls:


Which number is MORE than the number of balls?
  1. 5
  2. 6
Kindergarten Addition
This is the addition sign: [math]-[/math]
  1. True
  2. False
Kindergarten Counting and Comparing Numbers CCSS: K.CC.A.3
Write the numbers zero to five.

     0     ,      1     ,      2     ,      3     ,      4     ,      5     

Write the numbers fifteen to twenty.

     15     ,      16     ,      17     ,      18     ,      19     ,      20     
Kindergarten Counting and Comparing Numbers CCSS: K.CC.A.3
Count. Write the number that tells how many.

One CubeOne CubeOne CubeOne CubeOne CubeOne CubeOne CubeOne CubeOne CubeOne Cube     10     

LemonLemonLemonLemonLemon      5     

MuffinMuffinMuffin      3     

One CubeOne CubeOne CubeOne CubeOne CubeOne CubeOne CubeOne CubeOne CubeOne CubeOne CubeOne CubeOne CubeOne CubeOne Cube      15     

Soccer BallSoccer BallSoccer BallSoccer BallSoccer BallSoccer BallSoccer BallSoccer Ball     8     
Kindergarten Counting and Comparing Numbers CCSS: K.CC.A.1
Count to 100 by 10s. Write in the missing numbers.

10,       20       ,       30       , 40, 50,      60     , 70,      80     , 90,       100      
Kindergarten Counting and Comparing Numbers CCSS: K.CC.A.3
Write the number.

a) Eleven      11     

b) Seven      7      

c) Sixteen      16     

d) Two      2      
Kindergarten Counting and Comparing Numbers CCSS: K.CC.A.1
Write the missing numbers.

a) 41, 42,      43     , 44, 45,      46     , 47

b) 14,      15     , 16, 17,      18     , 19, 20

c)      80     , 81, 82, 83,      84     , 85, 86

e) 57, 58,      59     ,      60     , 61, 62
Kindergarten Counting and Comparing Numbers CCSS: K.CC.A.1
Count by tens.

70, 80, 90,                

What number comes next?
  1. 40
  2. 50
  3. 60
  4. 100
Kindergarten Counting and Comparing Numbers CCSS: K.CC.A.1
How many blocks?

Ten Cubes Ten Cubes Ten Cubes Ten Cubes Ten Cubes Ten Cubes Ten Cubes
  1. 70
  2. 80
  3. 90
  4. 100
Kindergarten Counting and Comparing Numbers CCSS: K.CC.B.4
Count the dots.
Dice 5
What number comes next?
  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 6
Kindergarten Counting and Comparing Numbers CCSS: K.CC.A.2
What number comes next?
Valentine's Day - Chocolate - SmallValentine's Day - Chocolate - SmallValentine's Day - Chocolate - SmallValentine's Day - Chocolate - Small
  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. 6
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