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Second Grade (Grade 2) Abbreviations and Acronyms Questions

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Grade 2 Abbreviations and Acronyms
Select the correct abbreviation for the month of the year in ALL CAPS.

My birthday is in SEPTEMBER.
  1. Sep.
  2. Set.
  3. Setm.
  4. Sept.
Grade 2 Abbreviations and Acronyms
Select the correct abbreviation for the month of the year in ALL CAPS.

Halloween is at the end of OCTOBER.
  1. Oct.
  2. Ocb.
  3. Obt.
  4. Obr.
Grade 2 Abbreviations and Acronyms
Select the correct abbreviation for the month of the year in ALL CAPS.

Americans always celebrate Thanksgiving in NOVEMBER.
  1. Nom.
  2. Nov.
  3. Nob.
  4. Noe.
Grade 2 Abbreviations and Acronyms
Select the correct abbreviation for the month of the year in ALL CAPS.

Some kids go back to school in AUGUST.
  1. Aut.
  2. Aus.
  3. Aug.
  4. Ags.
Grade 2 Abbreviations and Acronyms
Select the correct abbreviation for the month of the year in ALL CAPS.

Winter always starts in DECEMBER.
  1. Dec.
  2. Dcm.
  3. Dbr.
  4. Dem.
Grade 2 Abbreviations and Acronyms
Select the correct abbreviation for the month of the year in ALL CAPS.

Did you know that a lot of women get engaged in MAY?
  1. Mai.
  2. Ma.
  3. My.
  4. May
Grade 2 Abbreviations and Acronyms
Select the correct abbreviation for the month of the year in ALL CAPS.

Our family has a cookout every weekend in JULY.
  1. Jul.
  2. Juy.
  3. Jly.
  4. Jy.
Grade 2 Abbreviations and Acronyms
Select the correct abbreviation for the month of the year in ALL CAPS.

Spring always starts in APRIL.
  1. Apl.
  2. Apr.
  3. Api.
  4. Arl.
Grade 2 Abbreviations and Acronyms
Select the correct abbreviation for the month of the year in ALL CAPS.

My favorite holiday, Valentine's Day, is in FEBRUARY.
  1. Fbr.
  2. Fey.
  3. Fer.
  4. Feb.
Grade 2 Abbreviations and Acronyms
Select the correct abbreviation for the month of the year in ALL CAPS.

My family always goes skiing in JANUARY.
  1. Jay.
  2. Jan.
  3. Juy.
  4. Jar.
Grade 2 Abbreviations and Acronyms
Select the correct abbreviation for the month of the year in ALL CAPS.

JUNE is a very popular month for weddings.
  1. Jue.
  2. Jun.
  3. Jne.
  4. Jn.
Grade 2 Abbreviations and Acronyms
Select the correct abbreviation for the month of the year in ALL CAPS.

Have you heard the saying, "MARCH comes in like a lion?"
  1. Mar.
  2. Mac.
  3. Mrh.
  4. Mch.
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