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Fifth Grade (Grade 5) Baroque - 1600-1750 Questions

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Grade 5 Baroque - 1600-1750
1. What 17th and 18th century feature did the term baroque originally describe?
  1. Architecture
  2. Art
  3. Music
  4. All of the above
Grade 5 Baroque - 1600-1750
7. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the Baroque style?
  1. Most rhythms were lively dance rhythms.
  2. Textures were usually polyphonic.
  3. The ideals of simplicity, balance, and an interest in ?real? emotions became the focus for composers.
  4. The music was very ornate and often used dramatic leaps.
Grade 5 Baroque - 1600-1750
       Jesu       , Joy of Man's Desiring.
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