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Connotations and Denotations Questions - All Grades

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Grade 2 Connotations and Denotations CCSS: CCRA.L.4, L.2.4
Grade 11 Connotations and Denotations
Grade 9 Connotations and Denotations
  1. everyday language that may include slang or idioms
  2. words that have opposite meanings
  3. the idea or feeling implied by a word
  4. the literal meaning of a word
Grade 9 Connotations and Denotations
Grade 6 Connotations and Denotations
Chaos : order ::
  1. stinginess : strictness
  2. regulation : rule
  3. moisture : droplets
  4. courage : cowardice
Grade 9 Connotations and Denotations
Grade 6 Connotations and Denotations CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.6.5, L.6.5b
Analogies Bridge Type: Definition (Antonyms)
  1. boring : exciting
  2. sweet : tasty
  3. loud : intense
  4. new : young
Grade 3 Connotations and Denotations
Which of the following sentences uses the word LIGHT as a noun?
  1. I like the light blue color of that car.
  2. If you light the fire, please be careful.
  3. I will light a fire under him to get him moving!
  4. The light in my car won't shut off.
Grade 7 Connotations and Denotations
Grade 7 Connotations and Denotations
Grade 7 Connotations and Denotations
Grade 7 Connotations and Denotations
Grade 7 Connotations and Denotations CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.7.5, L.7.5b
Complete this analogy.
Synonym is to same as:
  1. Opposite is to antonym
  2. Antonym is to opposite
  3. Homonym is to opposite
  4. Opposite is to Homonym
Grade 7 Connotations and Denotations
Grade 7 Connotations and Denotations
Grade 7 Connotations and Denotations
Grade 6 Connotations and Denotations
Grade 6 Connotations and Denotations CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.6.5, L.6.5b
Bridge Type: Type/Kind
  1. checkers : basketball
  2. kid : child
  3. man : woman
  4. tennis : sport
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