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Continuing Education Defining Words Questions

You can create printable tests and worksheets from these Continuing Education Defining Words questions! Select one or more questions using the checkboxes above each question. Then click the add selected questions to a test button before moving to another page.

Continuing Education Defining Words
How much do you WEIGH?
  1. measurement in feet and inches
  2. measurement in meters
  3. measurement in Celsius or Fahrenheit
  4. measurement in kilograms or pounds
Continuing Education Defining Words
How DEEP is it?
  1. from side to side
  2. from top to bottom
  3. from bottom to top
  4. around it
Continuing Education Defining Words
We COULD'T see because of the smoke.
  1. didn't have permission
  2. it was possible
  3. were not able
  4. didn't want to
Continuing Education Defining Words
Continuing Education Defining Words
The score was TIED.
  1. The teams tied a knot.
  2. One team won.
  3. They weren't which team won.
  4. The two teams had the same number of points.
Continuing Education Defining Words
He PUT OUT his cigarrette.
  1. put it outside
  2. threw it away
  3. put it away
  4. extinguished it
Continuing Education Defining Words
The builder made an ADDITION to the house.
  1. a new house
  2. a new building
  3. a new part to an old house
  4. a math problem
Continuing Education Defining Words
The shirt FITS you very well.
  1. It's the wrong size
  2. It's too big.
  3. It's a little small.
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