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First Grade (Grade 1) European History Questions

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Grade 1 Exploration
Columbus accidentally discovered the Americas while he was trying to sail to Asia.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 1 Exploration
Columbus called the native people he met "Indians" because he thought he had landed in         India        .
Grade 1 Exploration
In Columbus' time, people either had to reach Asia using camels over land or sailing all the way around Africa.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 1 Exploration
Mark all of the people Columbus asked to supply him with ships and money for his trip.
  1. King John II of Portugal
  2. King Leo of Sweden
  3. King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella of Spain
  4. Queen Louise of France
Grade 1 Exploration
Did Christopher Columbus ever reach the United States?
  1. Yes
  2. No
Grade 1 Medieval Europe
Who were the first people to sail to North America (around the year 1000)?
  1. Germans
  2. English
  3. Vikings
  4. Romans
Grade 1 Exploration
What were the names of three ships in which Columbus sailed?
                                 Santa Maria                                  
Grade 1 Exploration
What country in Europe helped Columbus pay for his voyages?
  1. England
  2. Spain
  3. France
  4. Portugal
Grade 1 Exploration
In what year did Christopher Columbus make his voyage to America?
  1. 1892
  2. 1632
  3. 1492
  4. 1706
Grade 1 Exploration
Leif Ericson's father was                  .
  1. Vortigern
  2. Eric the Red
  3. Marco Polo
  4. George Washington
Grade 1 Exploration
Where was Christopher Columbus born?
  1. in Posen
  2. in Italy
  3. in Chicago
  4. in America
Grade 1 Exploration
America was actually named after the explorer Amerigo Vespucci.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 1 Exploration
Mark all that is true about Marco Polo.
  1. He lived in China for 20 years with his family.
  2. He worked for the emperor Kublai Khan.
  3. He had ten dogs.
  4. He saw fireworks, ice cream and pasta in China for the first time.
  5. He died in China.
Grade 1 Exploration
Mark all the things conquistadors were looking for in the Americas.
  1. Wood
  2. Gold
  3. Land to own
  4. Jewels
  5. Good fishing areas
  6. The Fountain of Youth
Grade 1 European History
The names of Columbus' three ships for his first voyage were the "Nina", "Pinta" and what?
Grade 1 Exploration
Who agreed to send Columbus on his voyage to the Indies?
  1. King and Queen of Spain
  2. Kings of Portugal and France
  3. Queen of London
Grade 1 Exploration
Who were two of the Spanish "conquistadors" who conquered the Native Americans?
  1. Montezuma
  2. Hernando Cortes
  3. Jacques Cartier
  4. Francisco Pizarro
Grade 1 Exploration
"Conquistador" is a Spanish word that means "peaceful settler".
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 1 Exploration
People sailed east to the Indies for?
  1. gold
  2. spices
  3. candy
  4. gold and spices
Grade 1 Exploration
The people in Columbus' time knew the earth was round, but they did not know                 
  1. how big it was
  2. how tall it was
  3. how small it was
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