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Fire and Rescue Questions - All Grades

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Grade 2 Fire and Rescue
If a part of your body catches fire you should stop,        drop       , and roll.
Grade 8 Fire and Rescue
The best way to put out a small kitchen fire is to
  1. blow it out
  2. use a garden hose
  3. turn off the appliances
  4. cover it or use a home fire extinguisher
Grade 2 Fire and Rescue
You should replace smoke detectors after how many years?
  1. 10
  2. 8
  3. 25
  4. 19
Grade 8 Fire and Rescue
In what way can a fire be brought under control?
  1. Add fuel
  2. Add oxygen
  3. Remove oxygen
  4. Remove carbon dioxide
None Fire and Rescue
Divers can help to prevent heat stroke and heat exhaustion by staying in the shade as much as possible, keeping hydrated, and by not donning thermal protection until ready to enter the water.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Fire and Rescue
Smoke detectors should be how many meters away from a cooking appliance?
  1. 2
  2. 5
  3. 3
  4. 8
None Fire and Rescue
Divers should use designated pathways to avoid wildlife and tripping hazards.
  1. True
  2. False
None Fire and Rescue
If your clothing should catch on fire,do not run!                   stop, drop, roll                   
None Fire and Rescue
When lifting, in order to prevent injury you should:
  1. Use your legs
  2. Use your arms and back
  3. Always get more help
  4. Let someone else do it
None Fire and Rescue
Before moving or raising ladders at the fire scene a common hazard to check for is:
  1. Ladders with damage
  2. Power Lines
  3. Holes, Ruts and Ditch Lines
  4. Tripping Hazards
None Fire and Rescue
A FF is responsible for not only their own safety on an incident scene, but also responsible for the safety of everyone at the incident scene?
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 8 Fire and Rescue
The best way to put out a small kitchen fire is to
  1. blow it out
  2. use a garden hose
  3. turn off the appliances
  4. cover it or use a home fire extinguisher
None Fire and Rescue
The 4 components of a successful Safety Officer program are:
  1. Chief Staff, Safety Officer, I.C., Accountablity
  2. SOP's, Personnel, Training, Equipment
  3. Safe Equipment, EMS Available, Lighting, PPE
Grade 12 Fire and Rescue
Successful rescue teams have to make a conscious effort to break from traditional thinking by emphasizing Big Three factors in increased survivability. They are?
  1. Special awareness, Operations, and Technical training.
  2. technical accountability, incident management, and hazard profiling.
  3. technical assets, motivation, and customer service.
  4. special people, special equipment, and special training.
Grade 12 Fire and Rescue
During a technical operation a variety of hazards may be encountered. The technical rescue ensemble should include all of the following except:
  1. protective gloves and boots.
  2. one or two piece protective garment.
  3. a protective helmet, eye protection, ear protection.
  4. an air purifying respirator.
None Fire and Rescue
The leading cause of FF deaths is:
  1. Vehical or Traffic accident
  2. Training Related
  3. Heart Attack
  4. Burn Injuries
None Fire and Rescue
The National Fallen Firefighter Foundation developed a safety issue called:
  1. Operation Safe
  2. Your own safety challenge
  3. Well being Issue
  4. Everyone goes home safely
Grade 12 Fire and Rescue
Which is the first and highest incident priority during a rescue situation?
  1. property/environmnent conservation.
  2. incident stabilization.
  3. life safety.
  4. scene security.
Grade 12 Fire and Rescue
When an individual is confronted with making decisions regarding rescue situations, the ability to overcome the decision making problems is essential. Which of the following IS NOT a trait of an effective leader?
  1. Confidence
  2. WIllingness to take excessive risks
  3. mental toughness
  4. ability to remain calm
None Fire and Rescue
While in rehab at a fire scene you should:
  1. Rest and Rehydrate
  2. Go to sleep
  3. Rest, Rehydrate, Get vitals checked
  4. Take off fire coat and sit for 30 minutes
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