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Internet Questions - All Grades

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Grade 11 Internet
Which of the following are vulnerable to a cyber attack? Select all that apply.
  1. Personal Computers
  2. Mac Computers
  3. Cell Phones
  4. Televisions
Grade 7 Internet
Which of the following is not a browser?
  1. Chrome
  2. IOS10
  3. Internet Explorer
  4. Firefox
Grade 7 Internet
Grade 7 Internet
Which of the following is not a benefit of cloud storage?
  1. easier to access
  2. more reliable
  3. protection for data backup
  4. added security
Grade 11 Internet
Which of the following would be of concern to someone in the study of cyberethics? Select all that apply.
  1. Anonymous Posts
  2. Fake News on Facebook
  3. Ageism and Television Anchors
  4. Snapchat Filters Distort Our Concept of Beauty
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