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Twelfth Grade (Grade 12) Library Science Questions

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Grade 12 Library Science
What are the names of the two lions that sit in front of The New York Public Library?
  1. Patience and Fortitude
  2. Ben and Jerry
  3. Law and Order
  4. Michael and Scott
  5. Manhattan and Brooklyn
Grade 12 Library Science
The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world. About how big is its collection?
  1. Over 158 million items
  2. Over 15 million items
  3. Over 258 million items
  4. Over 58 million items
Grade 12 Library Science
This library is actually made up of over 70 different buildings.
  1. Newberry Library
  2. Library of Congress
  3. Boston Public Library
  4. Oxford University
  5. Harvard University
Grade 12 Library Science
In what city is Tennessee's state library located?
  1. Clarksville
  2. Nashville
  3. Murfreesboro
  4. Memphis
Grade 12 Library Science
In what year was the Newberry Library in Chicago founded?
  1. 2010
  2. 1887
  3. 1930
  4. 1987
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