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None Local History, Geography, and Culture Questions

You can create printable tests and worksheets from these None Local History, Geography, and Culture questions! Select one or more questions using the checkboxes above each question. Then click the add selected questions to a test button before moving to another page.

None Florida
Who was the first explorer to arrive in Florida?
  1. Columbus
  2. Panfilo de Narraez
  3. De Soto
  4. Ponce de Leon
None West Virginia
None West Virginia
This Wheeling native served as Architect of the U.S. Capitol from 1923 to 1954.
  1. Walter Martens
  2. Rus Warne
  3. David Lynn
  4. Archibald Campbell
  5. Stephen Ayers
None United States (Local)
How many states are in the Southeast?
  1. 5 States
  2. 10 States
  3. 25 States
  4. 7 States
None Massachusetts
What is the capitol of Massachusetts?
  1. Boston
  2. Foxboro
  3. Springfield
  4. Worcester
None New York
Which city in the United States has the largest population?
  1. San Francisco
  2. New York City
  3. Houston
  4. Orlando
None New York
Central Park is located in what borough of New York City?
  1. The Bronx
  2. Brooklyn
  3. Queens
  4. Manhattan
  5. Staten Island
None New York
Central Park is located in what borough of New York City?
  1. The Bronx
  2. Brooklyn
  3. Queens
  4. Manhattan
  5. Staten Island
None Massachusetts
What's the oldest town on Cape Cod?
  1. Sandwich
  2. Falmouth
  3. Barnstable
  4. Provincetown
  5. Yarmouth
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