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Pre-K Phonics Questions

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Pre-K Phonics
What sound does a turkey make?
  1. Moo
  2. Gobble
  3. Quack
  4. Baaaaa
Pre-K Phonics
Write the letter S two times.       S S      
Pre-K Phonics
Write the letter A two times.       A A      
Pre-K Phonics
Write the letter K two times.      K K      
Pre-K Consonants and Blends
What word starts with F?
  1. Cat
  2. Donkey
  3. Horse
  4. Frog
Pre-K Phonics
Which word starts with the letter E?
  1. Animal - Dog
  2. Easter - Egg 2
  3. Easter - Yellow Chick
Pre-K Phonics
Select the letter A.
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
Pre-K Phonics
Which word starts with the letter B?
  1. ape
  2. bug
  3. cap
Pre-K Phonics
Which word starts with the letter D?
  1. dig
  2. egg
  3. fish
Pre-K Phonics
Which word starts with the letter D?
  1. Animal - Bee
  2. Animal - Camel
  3. Animal - Dog
Pre-K Consonants and Blends
What word starts with K?
  1. Kite
  2. Donkey
  3. Ape
  4. Nurse
Pre-K Phonics
Which is the letter E?
  1. D
  2. E
  3. F
Pre-K Phonics
Which word starts with the letter B?
  1. barn
  2. castle
  3. dragon
Pre-K Vowel Sounds
What word starts with E?
  1. Cake
  2. Vanilla
  3. Egg
  4. Jump
Pre-K Phonics
Write the letter C five times.             C C C C C            
Pre-K Vowel Sounds
     My      pillow      is      on the bed.
Pre-K Phonics
Which word starts with the letter C?
  1. ape
  2. bug
  3. can
Pre-K Phonics
Which word starts with the letter A?
  1. ape
  2. bag
  3. can
Pre-K Phonics
Which word starts with the letter C?
  1. ape
  2. bug
  3. can
Pre-K Phonics
Which is the letter B?
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
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