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Sculpture Questions - All Grades

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Grade 12 Sculpture
An unfilled area in a three-dimensional work.
  1. Form
  2. Negative Space
  3. Positive Space
  4. Relief
Grade 12 Sculpture
Shapes and/or forms similar to those found in nature.
  1. Geometric
  2. Pattern
  3. Organic
  4. Texture
Grade 9 Sculpture
The process of removing part of a sculpture from the original material is known as:
  1. additive scultpure
  2. subtractive sculpture
  3. papier mache sculpture
  4. casting
Grade 9 Sculpture
Sculpture which is suspended, balanced and moves is:
  1. free-standing
  2. mobile
  3. relief
  4. embossed
Grade 12 Sculpture
The distance and angle which something is seen.
  1. Balance
  2. Design
  3. Point of View
  4. Scale
Grade 9 Sculpture
In sculpture, low relief is also known as:
  1. free-standing
  2. embossing
  3. bas relief
  4. additive sculpture
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