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Third Grade (Grade 3) Sentence Structure Questions

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Grade 3 Types of Sentences
An exclamatory sentence ends with a period.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Types of Sentences CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.3.1i
What do you need in a complex sentence?
  1. subordinating conjunction
  2. conjunction
  3. run-on
  4. fragment
Grade 3 Fragments and Run-ons
Which of the following is a complete sentence?
  1. The beautiful bluebirds on the tree.
  2. The bluebirds are flying over the tree.
Grade 3 Fragments and Run-ons
Which of the following is a complete sentence?
  1. Around the corner.
  2. The dogs barked.
  3. Through the front door.
  4. A clear, blue sky.
Grade 3 Combining Sentences CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.3.1, L.3.1i
Combine the sentences.

The boys play ball. The girls play ball.
  1. The boys and girls play ball.
  2. The boys play ball and the girls play ball.
  3. The boys play ball and the girls.
Grade 3 Types of Sentences
Which of the following is a complete sentence?
  1. Do your homework before dinner.
  2. After she finished her essay
  3. The boys who like to play baseball
  4. As we wait for the rain to stop
  5. None of the above.
Grade 3 Types of Sentences CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.3.1
Juan played football while Juanita went shopping.
  1. Simple sentence
  2. Compound sentence
  3. Complex sentence
Grade 3 Combining Sentences CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.3.1, L.3.1i
Choose the correct way to combine each pair of sentences into one compound sentence.

Bob dries the dishes. Mary puts them away.
  1. Bob dries, the dishes but Mary puts them away.
  2. Bob dries the dishes but, Mary puts them away.
  3. Bob dries the dishes, Mary puts them away.
  4. Bob dries the dishes, but Mary puts them away.
Grade 3 Sentence Structure CCSS: CCRA.L.2, L.3.2
Which sentence is written correctly?
  1. My ant hates shopping.
  2. Lucy is a good student.
  3. my dogs have brown Eyes?
Grade 3 Combining Sentences CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.3.1, L.3.1i
Which choice correctly combines the sentences below to create a compound sentence?

She saw a dog run in front of her. She fell off her bike.
  1. She saw a dog run in front of her, so she stopped and fell off her bike.
  2. She saw a dog in front of her, so she fell off her bike.
  3. She saw a dog in front of her, but she fell off her bike.
  4. She saw a dog in front of her which caused her to fall off her bike.
Grade 3 Types of Sentences
When are you going to watch the movie?

This is an example of what type of sentence?
  1. question
  2. exclamation
  3. command
  4. statement
Grade 3 Sentence Structure CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.3.1a
The dog barked loudly at the stranger.
Which word is the simple subject?
  1. the
  2. dog
  3. barked
  4. loudly
Grade 3 Combining Sentences CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.3.1, L.3.1i
Combine the sentences correctly.

I met Nancy first. I introduced her to all the kids.
  1. I met Nancy first and introduced her to all the kids.
  2. I met Nancy first and I introduced her to all the kids.
  3. I introduced her to all the kids first.
Grade 3 Types of Sentences
What type of sentence asks something?
  1. statement
  2. question
  3. command
  4. exclamation
Grade 3 Fragments and Run-ons
Choose the group of words that is NOT a complete sentence.
  1. We laughed at the clown.
  2. The children played.
  3. The boy laughed.
  4. Under her chair.
Grade 3 Types of Sentences CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.3.1i
Juan played football, yet Juanita went shopping.
  1. Simple sentence
  2. Compound sentence
  3. Complex sentence
Grade 3 Types of Sentences CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.3.1i
Which is a simple sentence with a compound subject?
  1. The cardinals and blue birds love the new food in the bird feeder.
  2. My sister, Sharon, wrote a book about first graders.
  3. The deer ate all of the new plants in the yard.
  4. The squirrels gatherf nuts for the winter.
Grade 3 Sentence Structure CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.3.1, L.3.1a
What is the subject of the following sentence?

The little girl came crying.
  1. came crying
  2. girl came crying
  3. The little girl
Grade 3 Sentence Structure CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.3.1, L.3.1a
What is the subject of the following sentence?

Mark and Mike ran a close race.
  1. Mike
  2. Mark
  3. Mark and Mike
  4. ran
Grade 3 Fragments and Run-ons CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.3.1i
Which sentence is not a complete thought?
  1. I like to sleep late on weekends.
  2. Waking up early for school.
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