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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Sentence Structure Questions

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Grade 4 Fragments and Run-ons CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.4.1, L.4.1f
Which one is a correct sentence?
  1. Good to eat.
  2. We made cookies.
  3. Wagging its tail.
Grade 4 Types of Sentences CCSS: CCRA.L.1
What type of sentence is this?

Are Jessica and Lilith sisters?
  1. declarative
  2. imperative
  3. exclamatory
  4. interrogative
Grade 4 Types of Sentences CCSS: CCRA.L.1
What type of sentence is this?

I hope it snows ten inches on Saturday!
  1. exclamatory
  2. imperative
  3. interrogative
  4. declarative
Grade 4 Fragments and Run-ons CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.4.1f
Which of these is a complete sentence?
  1. My mother drove us to the lake.
  2. My father, brother and mother
  3. Came home from school today
Grade 4 Types of Sentences CCSS: CCRA.L.1
What type of sentence is this?

Put that dangerous piece of ice on the ground.
  1. interrogative
  2. declarative
  3. imperative
  4. exclamatory
Grade 4 Phrases and Clauses CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.4.1
The dog ate the bag of food because it was left open on the floor.

The dog ate the food is the INDEPENDENT clause.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Types of Sentences
Choose the best word to use to replace the word in ALL CAPS and fix the double negative.

I never talk to NOBODY at school.
  1. anybody
  2. no one
  3. someone
  4. none
Grade 4 Phrases and Clauses CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.4.1, L.4.1e
Which of the following sentences contains an appositive?
  1. Mrs. Smith and Mr. Johnson are our school's librarians.
  2. The boy's mother drove her car to school late in the day.
  3. Maria, my best friend, is moving to Arkansas in September.
  4. My sister likes to read, but my aunt prefers to watch movies.
Grade 4 Fragments and Run-ons CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.4.1f
The big black cat.
  1. Sentence
  2. Not a sentence
Grade 4 Types of Sentences
What type of sentence is this?

I bought new shirts, pants, and a sweater.
  1. interrogative
  2. declarative
  3. imperative
  4. exclamatory
Grade 4 Phrases and Clauses CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.4.1, L.4.1e
Which is NOT a prepositional phrase?
  1. in the valley
  2. across the street
  3. hitting the yard
  4. over the hill
Grade 4 Phrases and Clauses CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.4.1
The student studied for his algebra test, as a result, he made a 100.

He made a 100 is the DEPENDENT clause.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Types of Sentences
What type of sentence is this?

Are you going to the dance?
  1. imperative
  2. declarative
  3. interrogative
  4. exclamatory
Grade 4 Types of Sentences
Which one of these is NOT a conjunction?
  1. and
  2. for
  3. yet
  4. how
Grade 4 Phrases and Clauses CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.4.1, L.4.1e
Which of the following sentences contains an "appositive?"
  1. Mr. Jones, who was a teacher, left town last month.
  2. Sally, do not let me see you do that again.
  3. The umpire ran the game as though he knew how.
Grade 4 Types of Sentences CCSS: CCRA.L.1
Which sentence is imperative?
  1. I like your new dress.
  2. Take off your shoes.
  3. Your shoes are muddy.
  4. Those boots are nice.
Grade 4 Types of Sentences
What type of sentence is this?

Do you like to go to the beach?
  1. interrogative
  2. imperative
  3. declarative
  4. exclamatory
Grade 4 Types of Sentences
Choose the best word to use to replace the word in ALL CAPS and fix the double negative.

I hardly have NO homework this week.
  1. none
  2. nothing
  3. my
  4. any
Grade 4 Combining Sentences CCSS: CCRA.L.2, L.4.2, L.4.2c
Which choice correctly combines the two sentences to create a compound sentence?

She enjoys playing music. He enjoys watching TV.
  1. She enjoys playing music, and he enjoys watching TV.
  2. She enjoys playing music and he enjoys watching TV.
  3. She enjoys playing music and watching TV.
  4. He enjoys playing music and watching TV.
Grade 4 Phrases and Clauses CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.4.1, L.4.1e
Choose the option that simplifies the sentences below by using a prepositional phrase.

We played chess. We played in the park. We played as people watched us.
  1. We played chess. In the park.
  2. We played chess in the park as people watched us.
  3. We played chess, we played in the park, as people watched us.
  4. We played as people watched. Chess.
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