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Fifth Grade (Grade 5) Special Occasion Words Questions

You can create printable tests and worksheets from these Grade 5 Special Occasion Words questions! Select one or more questions using the checkboxes above each question. Then click the add selected questions to a test button before moving to another page.

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Grade 5 Special Occasion Words
During what holiday would you most likely eat poultry?
  1. Easter
  2. Thanksgiving
  3. Christmas
Grade 5 Special Occasion Words
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. brid
  2. briede
  3. bride
  4. bryde
Grade 5 Special Occasion Words
Cara bought a                 in Rome.
  1. soovenir
  2. souvenire
  3. souvinir
  4. souvenir
Grade 5 Special Occasion Words
Choose the correct spelling:
  1. magic
  2. maygic
  3. majic
Grade 5 Special Occasion Words
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. funaral
  2. funeral
  3. funieral
Grade 5 Special Occasion Words
The royal family attended a                .
  1. feast
  2. feest
  3. fesst
  4. feaste
Grade 5 Special Occasion Words
A woman who is a ballet dancer is called a             ballerina            .
Grade 5 Special Occasion Words
Choose the best word to fill in the blank.

He ought to get an                 for bravery.
  1. uward
  2. awarde
  3. award
  4. awward
Grade 5 Special Occasion Words
Eating turkey is a Thanksgiving                .
  1. custome
  2. kustome
  3. custom
  4. custtom
Grade 5 Special Occasion Words
Choose the correct spelling to fill in the blank.

I prefer to wear a superhero                .
  1. custome
  2. costoom
  3. costume
  4. costum
Grade 5 Special Occasion Words
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. excitment
  2. excitement
  3. excitemment
Grade 5 Special Occasion Words
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. concart
  2. concert
  3. concurt
Grade 5 Special Occasion Words
Choose the word that best fits the definition.

A character designed to represent the Games
  1. logo
  2. torch
  3. athlete
  4. mascot
Grade 5 Special Occasion Words
Choose the word that best fits the definition.

Makes a journey around the world before arriving at the Olympics
  1. Medal Count
  2. Olympic Torch
  3. Closing Ceremony
  4. Olympic Committee
Grade 5 Special Occasion Words
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. atendee
  2. attendee
  3. attenddee
Grade 5 Special Occasion Words
Choose the word that best fits the definition.

The city where the Games are held
  1. host
  2. judge
  3. athlete
  4. financier
Grade 5 Special Occasion Words
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. memorial
  2. memoriall
  3. memoriawl
Grade 5 Special Occasion Words
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. tradition
  2. traddition
  3. tradittion
Grade 5 Special Occasion Words
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. festavel
  2. festeval
  3. festival
Grade 5 Special Occasion Words
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. ceremony
  2. seremony
  3. ceremoney
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