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Fifth Grade (Grade 5) Frequently Misspelled Words Questions

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Grade 5 Frequently Misspelled Words CCSS: CCRA.L.2, L.5.2e
Choose the correct spelling of the word(s).
  1. The engineer was careful not to make an eroer in her design.
  2. the engineer was careful not to make an erorr on her design
  3. The engineer was careful not to make an error in her design.
Grade 5 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. changeable
  2. changable
  3. changible
Grade 5 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
  1. Acepted
  2. Acceppted
  3. Axcepted
  4. Accepted
Grade 5 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the sentence with the correctly spelled word.
  1. His skill as an artist is notable.
  2. His skill as an artist is noteable.
  3. His skill as an artist is notible.
Grade 5 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
  1. Jogging
  2. Joging
  3. Jogoging
  4. Joggin
Grade 5 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
  1. Refered
  2. Refferred
  3. Referred
  4. Reffered
Grade 5 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
  1. Driping
  2. Drippying
  3. Dripping
  4. Dripiping
Grade 5 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the correctly spelled word to fill in the blank.

What are you                ?
  1. makeing
  2. makieng
  3. making
  4. makeng
Grade 5 Frequently Misspelled Words
I like                 colors.
  1. plane
  2. plian
  3. plain
  4. plein
Grade 5 Frequently Misspelled Words
Fall                 will soon come.
  1. weather
  2. wether
  3. weathre
  4. whether
Grade 5 Frequently Misspelled Words
The police caught the                .
  1. thief
  2. theif
  3. theef
  4. thiefe
Grade 5 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the sentence with the correct spelling word.
  1. These mushrooms are not eatabel.
  2. These mushrooms are not edable.
  3. These mushrooms are not edible.
Grade 5 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the correct spelling to fill in the blank.

to have many                
  1. abilities
  2. abilitys
  3. abilityes
  4. abilitis
Grade 5 Frequently Misspelled Words
What is the correct spelling of the word?
  1. looes
  2. luse
  3. los
  4. lose
Grade 5 Frequently Misspelled Words
Joe wore a belt around his                .
  1. waiste
  2. waste
  3. wayste
  4. waist
Grade 5 Frequently Misspelled Words
I can see my                 in the air.
  1. breeth
  2. breathe
  3. breath
  4. brathe
Grade 5 Frequently Misspelled Words
My uncle saw the                 climb through the window.
  1. theif
  2. thief
  3. thef
Grade 5 Frequently Misspelled Words
I felt                 from the cold.
  1. num
  2. nummb
  3. numbe
  4. numb
Grade 5 Frequently Misspelled Words
My sister had a                 tooth.
  1. loose
  2. lose
  3. looze
  4. loze
Grade 5 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. compliment
  2. commpliment
  3. commplament
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