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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Frequently Misspelled Words Questions

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Grade 4 Frequently Misspelled Words
Which is correct?
  1. helpfull
  2. helpful
Grade 4 Frequently Misspelled Words
The correct way to spell the word: hurryied
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Frequently Misspelled Words
Which is correct?
  1. leeder
  2. leader
Grade 4 Frequently Misspelled Words
Which is correct?
  1. farmer
  2. farmur
Grade 4 Frequently Misspelled Words
What is the correct word to put in the blank?
I love to go               for new clothes for school.
  1. shoping
  2. shopped
  3. shooping
  4. shopping
Grade 4 Frequently Misspelled Words
What is the correct word to go in the blank?
Sherre really                that she would get an A on the test.
  1. hopped
  2. hope
  3. hopes
  4. hoped
Grade 4 Frequently Misspelled Words
How much does the baby                ?
  1. weigh
  2. wegh
  3. wiegh
  4. wuigh
Grade 4 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
  1. tea
  2. te
  3. tae
Grade 4 Frequently Misspelled Words
There were several                 gifts under the Christmas tree.
  1. wrapped
  2. wraped
  3. wrappd
  4. wrapedd
Grade 4 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
  1. east
  2. est
  3. eest
Grade 4 Frequently Misspelled Words
a special right or permission
  1. privilege
  2. privelege
  3. privillege
Grade 4 Frequently Misspelled Words
Are you going to                 that new movie this weekend?
  1. sea
  2. cee
  3. see
  4. cea
Grade 4 Frequently Misspelled Words
Please choose the spelling word that is spelled correctly.
  1. weigth
  2. weight
  3. wieght
  4. weigt
Grade 4 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the correct spelling word.
  1. rumor
  2. romur
  3. rumore
  4. rummor
Grade 4 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the correct spelling of the word.

My grandson told quite a fish                 about a giant bass that got away.
  1. tale
  2. tail
  3. taill
  4. talle
Grade 4 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the best spelling to fill in the blank.

I found a huge                 in my morning muffin.
  1. beary
  2. beery
  3. berrey
  4. berry
Grade 4 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the correct spelling of the word.

Hercules got his                 caught in the doggie door.
  1. talee
  2. taile
  3. tale
  4. tail
Grade 4 Frequently Misspelled Words
Please choose the spelling word that is spelled correctly.
  1. scente
  2. scint
  3. sceint
  4. scent
Grade 4 Frequently Misspelled Words
Please choose the spelling word that is spelled correctly.
  1. vein
  2. vien
  3. veine
  4. veinn
Grade 4 Frequently Misspelled Words
Please choose the spelling word that is spelled correctly.
  1. feete
  2. fete
  3. feet
  4. fet
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