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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) Frequently Misspelled Words Questions

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Grade 7 Frequently Misspelled Words
Which is the correct spelling?
  1. Ancient
  2. Anceint
  3. Ancint
  4. Ancinte
Grade 7 Frequently Misspelled Words
Which is the correct spelling?
  1. Amarica
  2. Amarika
  3. America
  4. Amerika
Grade 7 Frequently Misspelled Words
Which is the correct spelling?
  1. Jurney
  2. Journey
  3. Jorney
  4. Juorney
Grade 7 Frequently Misspelled Words
Which is the correct spelling?
  1. Emagine
  2. Imajine
  3. Imagin
  4. Imagine
Grade 7 Frequently Misspelled Words
Which is the correct spelling?
  1. Impressive
  2. Empressive
  3. Impresive
  4. Empresive
Grade 7 Frequently Misspelled Words
Indicate the correct answer.
  1. princaple
  2. principal
  3. princapal
  4. principel
Grade 7 Frequently Misspelled Words
Indicate the correct spelling.
  1. slaiy
  2. sleiy
  3. sleigh
  4. sliegh
Grade 7 Frequently Misspelled Words
Indicate the correct spelling.
  1. manuver
  2. maneuver
  3. maneuvir
  4. manuever
Grade 7 Frequently Misspelled Words
Which of the following words is spelled correctly?
  1. conshouse
  2. conscience
  3. consceince
Grade 7 Frequently Misspelled Words
Indicate the correct spelling.
  1. beelieve
  2. beleve
  3. believe
  4. belive
Grade 7 Frequently Misspelled Words
Indicate the correct spelling.
  1. guage
  2. gauge
  3. gaige
  4. giage
Grade 7 Frequently Misspelled Words
Which word is spelled correctly?
  1. servicable
  2. serviceable
  3. servaciable
  4. surviciable
Grade 7 Frequently Misspelled Words
Indicate the correct answer.
  1. posetion
  2. possession
  3. posession
  4. possesion
Grade 7 Frequently Misspelled Words
Indicate the correct answer.
  1. recomend
  2. reckomind
  3. reckommend
  4. recommend
Grade 7 Frequently Misspelled Words
Indicate the correct spelling.
  1. adevice
  2. addvice
  3. addvise
  4. advice
Grade 7 Frequently Misspelled Words
Indicate the correct answer.
  1. minature
  2. manyture
  3. maniture
  4. miniature
Grade 7 Frequently Misspelled Words
Indicate the correct spelling.
  1. effect
  2. efect
  3. effeact
  4. effckt
Grade 7 Frequently Misspelled Words
Indicate the correct answer.
  1. comitment
  2. commitmint
  3. comitmint
  4. commitment
Grade 7 Frequently Misspelled Words
Indicate the correct answer.
  1. principle
  2. prenciple
  3. principel
  4. princeple
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