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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) Study Skills and Strategies Questions

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Grade 7 Study Skills and Strategies
Grade 7 Study Skills and Strategies
Grade 7 Study Skills and Strategies
When you are studying, which NOT a good choice for a snack?
  1. A piece of fruit
  2. A bowl of vegetables
  3. A plate of cookies
  4. A block of cheese
Grade 7 Study Skills and Strategies
Which resource is most useful when prepping for a test?
  1. Your textbook
  2. Your friend
  3. Your review sheet or study guide
  4. The internet
Grade 7 Study Skills and Strategies
When it comes to preparing for a test, why is it important to complete your homework?
  1. Homework helps raise your grades.
  2. Homework covers material that may be tested.
  3. Homework gets you used to studying.
  4. Homework stresses you out, just like a test.
Grade 7 Study Skills and Strategies
When studying, the ideal thing to drink is...
  1. A can of soda
  2. A glass of water
  3. An energy drink
  4. A cup of coffee
Grade 7 Study Skills and Strategies
If a test is coming up and you realize a piece of information isn't clear, what's the best thing you could do?
  1. Just forget about it. It's probably not important anyway.
  2. Ask a question in class or talk to your teacher after class.
  3. Look over a friend's notes and hope the answer is there.
  4. Keep re-reading your notes and hope you figure it out.
Grade 7 Study Skills and Strategies
Foods full of protein make a great study snack.
Which of the following would NOT make a great study snack?
  1. A handful of nuts
  2. A piece of natural beef jerky
  3. A piece of celery with peanut butter
  4. A few fried pork rinds
Grade 7 Study Skills and Strategies
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