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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) Themes Questions

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Grade 7 People and Places
Grade 7 Social Studies Words
Choose the correctly spelled word:
  1. terrorism
  2. terorism
  3. terrerism
Grade 7 Art and Music Words
Which is spelled correctly?
  1. comedy
  2. komedy
  3. comede
  4. comidy
Grade 7 STEM Words
Choose the correctly spelled word:
  1. temperet
  2. temperate
  3. timperate
Grade 7 STEM Words CCSS: CCRA.L.2, L.7.2, L.7.2b
Which word is spelled incorrectly?
  1. mystery
  2. atmosphere
  3. equivelent
  4. technology
Grade 7 STEM Words
Choose the correctly spelled word:
  1. barometer
  2. barrometer
  3. barameter
Grade 7 STEM Words CCSS: CCRA.L.2, L.7.2, L.7.2b
Which word is spelled incorrectly?
  1. elektricity
  2. hundredth
  3. hygiene
  4. language
Grade 7 STEM Words
The basic unit of heredity
  1. Genee
  2. Genetic
  3. Chromosome
  4. Gene
Grade 7 STEM Words
Choose the correctly spelled word:
  1. altatude
  2. altitude
  3. altitoode
Grade 7 Social Studies Words CCSS: CCRA.L.2, L.7.2, L.7.2b
Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
  1. hierloom
  2. heirloom
  3. hearloom
  4. hairloom
Grade 7 STEM Words
Choose the correctly spelled word.
  1. assistant
  2. asistant
  3. asisttant
  4. assitant
Grade 7 STEM Words
Choose the correctly spelled word:
  1. ayr pressure
  2. air pressure
  3. air presure
Grade 7 Special Occasion Words
Indicate the correct spelling.
  1. Christmas
  2. christmas
  3. Chrismas
  4. christmass
Grade 7 People and Places
Choose the correctly spelled word:
  1. Michagan
  2. Michigan
  3. michigan
Grade 7 STEM Words
Indicate the correct spelling.
  1. microscope
  2. mickroscope
  3. microscop
  4. microscoop
Grade 7 Art and Music Words
Which word is spelled correctly?
  1. commercial
  2. comercial
  3. commerrical
  4. commerccial
Grade 7 STEM Words
Choose the correctly spelled word:
  1. theorem
  2. therem
  3. theorum
Grade 7 STEM Words
Indicate the correct spelling.
  1. algebra
  2. elgebra
  3. aelgebra
  4. aelgabra
Grade 7 STEM Words
Grade 7 People and Places
Choose the correctly spelled word:
  1. Southern
  2. southirn
  3. Sothern
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