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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) Vocabulary Questions

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Grade 7 Defining Words
To ask for information
  1. strategy
  2. consider
  3. drastic
  4. feature
  5. inquire
Grade 7 Defining Words
The skill of carrying out plans to achieve a goal
  1. feature
  2. specific
  3. consider
  4. infinite
  5. strategy
Grade 7 Defining Words
To put something where people can see it
  1. inquire
  2. display
  3. consider
  4. drastic
  5. infinite
Grade 7 Defining Words
Grade 7 Root Words CCSS: CCRA.L.4, L.7.4b
  1. hypno
  2. clin
  3. hydro
  4. cog
Grade 7 Suffixes
The rainbow looked so beautiful!

The word beautiful means:
  1. without beauty
  2. full of pain
  3. dark and gloomy
  4. full of beauty
Grade 7 Root Words CCSS: CCRA.L.4, L.7.4b
  1. graph, gram
  2. circ, circum
  3. cosmo
  4. gam
Grade 7 Prefixes
What does the word replay mean?
  1. to play again
  2. to play fast
  3. to play a long time
  4. to play after
Grade 7 Root Words CCSS: CCRA.L.4, L.7.4b
to write, draw, record
  1. graph, gram
  2. bio
  3. hydro
  4. circ, circum
Grade 7 Root Words CCSS: CCRA.L.4, L.7.4b
to think, consider
  1. cid, cis
  2. circ, circum
  3. gno, kno
  4. cog
Grade 7 Defining Words
Extreme results or actions
  1. drastic
  2. strategy
  3. consider
  4. specific
  5. inquire
Grade 7 Defining Words
To think about something carefully in order to make a decision
  1. feature
  2. consider
  3. strategy
  4. drastic
  5. display
Grade 7 Defining Words
Having no limits; endless (going on and on forever)
  1. consider
  2. drastic
  3. infinite
  4. specific
  5. retrieve
Grade 7 Defining Words
A special or particular one
  1. drastic
  2. infinite
  3. consider
  4. specific
  5. retrieve
Grade 7 Defining Words
To encourage or give support to an idea or behavior
  1. infinite
  2. drastic
  3. feature
  4. strategy
  5. reinforce
Grade 7 People and Places
Grade 7 Defining Words
An interesting or important part, quality or ability
  1. drastic
  2. feature
  3. consider
  4. infinite
  5. strategy
Grade 7 Defining Words
  1. to give an answer based on imagination
  2. to give a lie
  3. to make a guess based on information given
  4. to give a fact
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