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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) Plurals Questions

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Grade 7 Plurals
Grade 7 Plurals
Grade 7 Plurals
What is the plural form of "oasis"?
  1. oasis
  2. oases
  3. oasises
  4. oasis's
Grade 7 Plurals
Choose the correct plural form of student.
  1. students
  2. student
  3. studentes
  4. studenties
Grade 7 Plurals
Indicate the correct spelling.
  1. eckonomics
  2. economicks
  3. economics
  4. economikes
Grade 7 Plurals
How do you write finger in the plural form?
  1. fineries
  2. fingers
  3. fingerses
  4. No change
Grade 7 Plurals
Indicate the correct spelling.
  1. arecraft
  2. aircrafte
  3. arcraft
  4. aircraft
Grade 7 Plurals
Indicate the correct spelling.
  1. countriees
  2. countries
  3. kountries
  4. countrees
Grade 7 Plurals
Indicate the correct spelling.
  1. bacteria
  2. backteria
  3. bactearia
  4. backtearia
Grade 7 Plurals
Indicate the correct spelling.
  1. erreands
  2. errands
  3. errends
  4. erands
Grade 7 Plurals
Indicate the correct spelling.
  1. ingreedients
  2. engredients
  3. ingrediants
  4. ingredients
Grade 7 Plurals
Indicate the correct spelling.
  1. bynoculars
  2. binockulars
  3. binokulars
  4. binoculars
Grade 7 Plurals
Indicate the correct spelling.
  1. whitnesses
  2. witnesses
  3. witenesses
  4. witneses
Grade 7 Plurals
Indicate the correct spelling.
  1. bookshelves
  2. bookshelfes
  3. bookshelfs
  4. bookshelvs
Grade 7 Plurals
Indicate the correct spelling.
  1. media
  2. meedia
  3. medea
  4. meedea
Grade 7 Plurals
Indicate the correct spelling.
  1. avakados
  2. avocados
  3. avokados
  4. avacadoes
Grade 7 Plurals
Indicate the correct spelling.
  1. hancuffs
  2. handcuffs
  3. handcufs
  4. hankuffs
Grade 7 Plurals
Indicate the correct spelling.
  1. searies
  2. seiries
  3. seires
  4. series
Grade 7 Plurals
Indicate the correct spelling.
  1. portfolioes
  2. portfollios
  3. portfollioes
  4. portfolios
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