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The Canterbury Tales - Classic Literature - Questions for Tests and Worksheets - Eleventh Grade (Grade 11)

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Grade 11 The Canterbury Tales
Who was known as the Father of English Literature?
  1. William Shakespeare
  2. Edgar Allen Poe
  3. Geoffrey Chaucer
  4. George Orwell
Grade 11 The Canterbury Tales
Why was everyone at The Tabbard?
  1. There was a band of highwaymen on the road and the people were afraid to travel
  2. They were on their way making a pilgrimage to Canterbury
  3. They had come to celebrate the baptism of the King's youngest son
  4. They were resting at the inn
Grade 11 The Canterbury Tales
Who did the narrator meet at the Tabbard Inn?
  1. He met the King of England
  2. He met the Archbishop of Canterbury
  3. He met 29 pilgrims
  4. He met St. Thomas a Becket
Grade 11 The Canterbury Tales
He has been in many battles. He was true and gentle.
  1. The Knight
  2. The Yeoman
  3. The Sergeant at Law
  4. The Merchant
Grade 11 The Canterbury Tales
Grade 11 The Canterbury Tales
She spoke French, was dainty and pleasant, and the picture of medieval beauty.
  1. The Prioress/Nun
  2. The Wife of Bath
  3. The Cook
  4. The Weaver
Grade 11 The Canterbury Tales
Grade 11 The Canterbury Tales
Grade 11 The Canterbury Tales
He seemed wise. He made a lot of money. He seemed busier than he really was.
  1. the Knight
  2. the Squire
  3. the Manciple
  4. the Sergeant of Law
Grade 11 The Canterbury Tales
What tradesmen were there?
  1. a Minstrel, a Barrel-maker, a Tailor, and a Reeve
  2. a Merchant, a Teacher, a Lawyer, a Potter and a Weaver
  3. a Haberdasher, a Dyer, a Carpenter, a Weaver, and a Carpet-maker
  4. a Clerk, a Carpenter, a Barrel-maker, a Plowman, and a Haberdasher
Grade 11 The Canterbury Tales
These people were in the nun's group.
  1. one priest and three students
  2. four nuns
  3. two converts, one priest, and one nun
  4. one nun and three priests
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