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Kindergarten Three Dimensional Shapes Questions

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Kindergarten Three Dimensional Shapes CCSS: K.G.B.4
Use the solid figure shown to answer the following:

How many faces does the figure have?      6     

How many corners does the figure have?      8     

How many edges does the figure have?      12     
Kindergarten Three Dimensional Shapes CCSS: K.G.B.4
Use the solid figure shown to answer the following:

How many faces does the figure have?      5     

How many corners does the figure have?      6     

How many edges does the figure have?      9     
Triangular Prism
Kindergarten Three Dimensional Shapes CCSS: K.G.B.4
The shape has how many corners?
  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3
Kindergarten Three Dimensional Shapes CCSS: K.G.A.2
Name the solid figure.
  1. cylinder
  2. cone
  3. cube
  4. sphere
Kindergarten Three Dimensional Shapes CCSS: K.G.A.2
Name the solid figure.
  1. cylinder
  2. cone
  3. cube
  4. sphere
Kindergarten Three Dimensional Shapes CCSS: K.G.A.2
What is the name of the figure?
  1. Cone
  2. Prism
  3. Cylinder
  4. Rectangle
Kindergarten Three Dimensional Shapes CCSS: K.G.B.4
How many points does a cone have?
  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3
Kindergarten Three Dimensional Shapes CCSS: K.G.B.4
Look at the sphere.

How many flat surfaces does a sphere have?      0     

How many edges does a sphere have?      0     

How many corners does a sphere have?      0     
Kindergarten Three Dimensional Shapes CCSS: K.G.A.2
Which is shaped like a cone?
  1. General - Gift Box - Small
  2. Back To School - Globe - Small
  3. General - Party Hat - Small
Kindergarten Three Dimensional Shapes CCSS: K.G.A.3
Is the shape flat or solid?
  1. flat
  2. solid
Kindergarten Three Dimensional Shapes CCSS: K.G.A.2
Is this a cylinder?
Cylinder - Color
  1. no
  2. yes
Kindergarten Three Dimensional Shapes CCSS: K.G.A.3
Is the shape flat or solid?
Pyramid - Color
  1. flat
  2. solid
Kindergarten Three Dimensional Shapes CCSS: K.G.A.3
Is the shape flat or solid?
Cylinder - Color
  1. flat
  2. solid
Kindergarten Three Dimensional Shapes CCSS: K.G.A.2
This this a cone?
Cube - Color
  1. no
  2. yes
Kindergarten Three Dimensional Shapes CCSS: K.G.B.4
Does the shape have more faces or corners?
Cube - Color
  1. faces
  2. corners
Kindergarten Three Dimensional Shapes CCSS: K.G.B.4
How many flat surfaces does a cone have?
  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3
Kindergarten Three Dimensional Shapes CCSS: K.G.A.3
Is the shape flat or solid?
Triangular Prism - Color
  1. flat
  2. solid
Kindergarten Three Dimensional Shapes CCSS: K.G.A.3
Is the shape flat or solid?
Cuboid - Color
  1. flat
  2. solid
Kindergarten Three Dimensional Shapes CCSS: K.G.A.3
Is the shape flat or solid?
Cube - Color
  1. flat
  2. solid
Kindergarten Three Dimensional Shapes CCSS: K.G.A.3
Circle the solid figures.

Cylinder Sphere Pentagon

Circle Cone Square
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