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First Grade (Grade 1) Time Questions

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Grade 1 Time
What is the time shown on the clock?
Clock 12:30
  1. 6:30
  2. 1:30
  3. 12:30
  4. 6:00
Grade 1 Time
What time does the clock show?
Clock 09:00
  1. 12:00
  2. 12:30
  3. 9:30
  4. 9:00
Grade 1 Time CCSS: 1.MD.B.3
What is the time?
Clock 08:00
  1. 12:40
  2. 8:00
  3. 12:08
  4. 8:12
Grade 1 Time CCSS: 1.MD.B.3
What is the time shown on the clock?
Clock 05:30
  1. 6:27
  2. 6:30
  3. 5:30
  4. 6:29
Grade 1 Time
What is the time?
Clock 06:00
  1. 6:30
  2. 6:00
  3. 12:30
  4. 3:00
Grade 1 Time
What is the time shown on the clock?
Clock 06:30
  1. 6:30
  2. 7:30
  3. 12:30
  4. 6:00
Grade 1 Time
Which clock shows 9 o'clock?
  1. Digital Clock 09:00
  2. Digital Clock 08:00
  3. Digital Clock 06:30
  4. Digital Clock 09:10
Grade 1 Time
What is the time?
Digital Clock 07:00
  1. 12 o'clock
  2. 1 o'clock
  3. 5 o'clock
  4. 7 o'clock
Grade 1 Time
Which clock shows 10 o'clock?
  1. Clock 04:00
  2. Clock 04:20
  3. Clock 06:07
  4. Clock 10:00
Grade 1 Time CCSS: 1.MD.B.3
Do the clocks show the same time?
Clock 05:30Digital Clock 06:30
  1. no
  2. yes
Grade 1 Time CCSS: 1.MD.B.3
What time does the clock show?
Digital Clock 01:00
  1. one o'clock
  2. one thirty
Grade 1 Time CCSS: 1.MD.B.3
What time does the clock show?
Clock 11:00
  1. 9 o'clock
  2. 10 o'clock
  3. 11 o'clock
Grade 1 Time CCSS: 1.MD.B.3
What time is shown on the clock?
Clock 05:30
  1. 5:06
  2. 6:05
  3. 6:25
  4. 5:30
Grade 1 Time CCSS: 1.MD.B.3
What time is shown on the clock?
Clock 05:30
  1. 6:05
  2. 6:25
  3. 5:30
  4. 5:06
Grade 1 Time CCSS: 1.MD.B.3
Do the clocks show the same time?
Clock 05:00Digital Clock 05:30
  1. no
  2. yes
Grade 1 Time CCSS: 1.MD.B.3
There                 minutes in a hour.
  1. 90
  2. 50
  3. 120
  4. 60
Grade 1 Time
What time does the clock show?
Clock 12:00
  1. 12:00
  2. 1:00
  3. 1:05
  4. 12:30
Grade 1 Time CCSS: 1.MD.B.3
What time does the clock show?
Clock 12:30
  1. 12:00
  2. 12:30
  3. 1:00
Grade 1 Time CCSS: 1.MD.B.3
What time is shown on the clock?
Clock 02:00
  1. 12:02
  2. 12:10
  3. 2:00
  4. 12:00
Grade 1 Time CCSS: 1.MD.B.3
What time does the clock show?
Clock 01:00
  1. one o'clock
  2. two o'clock
  3. three o'clock
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