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Writing Essays Questions - All Grades

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Grade 12 Writing Essays
When is a paragraph considered unified?
  1. when each sentence has at least some common thread to the one next to it
  2. when each sentence relates directly to the main idea of the paragraph
  3. when all sentences are grammatically correct
  4. when each sentence says essential the same thing, but rephrased in different ways to address the needs of a diverse audience
Grade 4 Narrative Essays CCSS: CCRA.L.3
Which sentence helps readers form a detailed picture in their minds?
  1. The great baking smell in the house made us get to the kitchen really quickly.
  2. The delicious smell of baking cookies brought us racing eagerly to the kitchen.
  3. The wonderful smell of something baking in the oven brought us together fast.
  4. The smell of stuff that was cooking in the kitchen called all of us there very fast.
Grade 12 Writing Essays
A well developed paragraph will always contain:
  1. a high-level diction
  2. necessary support
  3. sufficient transitions
  4. impeccable grammar
Grade 4 Writing Essays CCSS: CCRA.W.2, W.4.2d

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Grade 12 Writing Essays
All of the following are true of a thesis statement EXCEPT:
  1. it is general enough to include all the ideas in the passage.
  2. it is usually more narrow than the ideas in the passage.
  3. it is a sentence that states a central idea.
  4. it is the central idea of a longer passage.
Grade 8 Persuasive Essays
Sarah and Lizbeth are doing research projects on how texting while driving affects the brain. They come across a blog that explains, in detail, how a six year old was killed because of a teen who was texting and driving. Is this source appropriate for their project.
  1. Yes, because the blog is about texting and driving.
  2. Yes because the blog explains the event in detail.
  3. No because the blog does not give any information on the effects that texting while driving has on the brain.
  4. No because a six year old's brain isn't fully developed yet so the evidence would be invalid.
Grade 8 Persuasive Essays
You are working on an argumentative essay about the Holocaust. You have sources that contain logos and ethos, but you need some that have pathos. What type of source could contain pathos?
  1. An article that lists details about Nazi Germany
  2. A diary that reveals the struggles of a young girl and her family
  3. An article released from a museum that explains how a gas chamber works
  4. A research paper from a college student that discusses how Hitler rose to power
Grade 9 Writing Essays
The                  states the main topic of the paragraph.
  1. topic sentence
  2. controlling idea
  3. factual details
  4. conclusion
Grade 8 Writing Essays
What does it mean to use explicit textual evidence?
  1. read between the lines
  2. use the information directly from the text
  3. break down the information
  4. add your own personal thoughts to the information read
Grade 3 Persuasive Essays
Frank is writing a paragraph telling why dogs are great pets. He would want to include all of the following details in his paragraph, EXCEPT
  1. dogs are friendly.
  2. cats eat less than dogs.
  3. dogs are fun to play with.
  4. dogs are very loyal.
Grade 12 Writing Essays
When writing for people that have cultural backgrounds that differ from your own:
  1. Keep sentences short
  2. Write in passive voice
  3. Avoid jargon
  4. Be careful with graphics
Grade 6 Writing Essays
In the body of your paper, each paragraph should
  1. be well organized.
  2. have a topic sentence with supporting details.
Grade 9 Expository Essays
Grade 12 Writing Essays
The three basic parts of a paragraph include all of the following EXCEPT:
  1. a general idea or subject
  2. a main idea
  3. a thesis statement
  4. supporting details
Grade 3 Persuasive Essays
The bright sun can be dangerous. It is important to put on sunscreen before spending time in the summer sun. The ultraviolet rays from the sun can hurt your skin. Sunscreen protects your skin from these rays and helps keep your skin healthy.

What detail would the author of this paragraph NOT want to add to it?
  1. Those who do not use sunscreen can get sunburns.
  2. Many people who spend lots of time in the sun without sunscreen develop skin cancer.
  3. Sitting in the sun is a great way to get a nice, dark sun tan.
  4. Sunscreen comes in different “SPFs” which means there are different protection levels for your skin.
Grade 9 Expository Essays
Which of the following is NOT an example of expository writing?
  1. Science textbook
  2. A recipe
  3. Brochure
  4. None of the above
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