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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) Agriculture Questions

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Grade 8 Agriculture
Drip irrigation delivers water directly to what?
  1. to aquifers
  2. to farmers
  3. to the roots of crops
  4. to fields
Grade 8 Agriculture
            Terracing            is a method in which steep-sided, level topped areas are built onto the sides of steep hills and mountains so that crops can be grown.
Grade 8 Agriculture
Which of the following anchors is not approved for use in technical rescue:
  1. Wrap 2 Pull 2
  2. Basket Hitch
  3. Modified Basket Hitch
  4. Wrap 1 Pull 1
Grade 8 Agriculture
Home                 is the development of the outdoors by using plant materials to meet the needs and desires of a family
  1. development
  2. landscaping
  3. service
  4. outdoors
Grade 8 Agriculture
Work that took days to do, only takes one day with the                . This cuts and threshes grain which was originally done by hand.
  1. plow
  2. tractor
  3. reaper
  4. lawn mower
Grade 8 Agriculture
Mulching helps control weeds and grasses
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 8 Agriculture
The best time of the year to plant or shrub is               
  1. summer
  2. spring
  3. fall
  4. winter
Grade 8 Agriculture
                 prevented animals from getting out.
  1. electric fence
  2. barbed wire
  3. chain link fence
Grade 8 Agriculture
What garden crop is effected by nemetode?
  1. corn
  2. cucumber
  3. carrot
  4. all of the above
Grade 8 Agriculture
You should plant garden seeds to 10 times as deep as the seeds' widest diameter.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 8 Agriculture
The soil in a garden should be prepared to a depth of                 inches.
  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 6
  4. 8
Grade 8 Agriculture
Lime helps to reduce the acid level in a garden
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 8 Agriculture
Nemetodoes are very large and can be easily seen
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 8 Agriculture
If plants have nemetode damage the plant roots will be deformed with hard knots on them.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 8 Agriculture
The steel plow replaced the wooden plow.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 8 Agriculture
With the milking machine, you can milk                 gallons a day
  1. 25-50
  2. 35-60
  3. 50-75
  4. 75-100
Grade 8 Agriculture
Corner plants should not exceed                of the wall height.
  1. 3/4
  2. 1/4
  3. 2/5
  4. 5/6
Grade 8 Agriculture
List one basic gardening tool
Grade 8 Agriculture
The best item of protective clothing for agricultural workers is                
  1. wranglers
  2. shorts
  3. hat
  4. coveralls
Grade 8 Agriculture
It is not very important to plan when planting a garden.
  1. True
  2. False
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