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College Agriculture Questions

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College Agriculture
Green revolution techniques
  1. focus on organic farming
  2. have contributed to an increased diversity of foods in the human diet
  3. have increased crop yields but may not be sustainable
  4. focus on preserving biodiversity
  5. focus on sustainability
College Agriculture
Overirrigation can result in
  1. soil salinization and waterlogging
  2. leaching
  3. erosion
  4. crop rotation
  5. higher numbers of agricultural pests
College Agriculture
The 3 major agricultural crops are: rice, wheat, and tomatoes.
  1. True
  2. False
College Agriculture
Agricultural (farm) subsidies are especially effective in helping preserve small "family farms."
  1. True
  2. False
College Agriculture
Which term refers to a product applied to cover the soil surface?
  1. Mulch
  2. compost
  3. soil amendments
  4. fertilizer
College Agriculture
Which is correct about using wood/bark chips for mulch?
  1. To protect trees from lawnmower injury, pile wood chips around the tree trunk
  2. It is OK to cultivate wood chips into the soil in the fall.
  3. About 3 inches is necessary to control weeds.
College Agriculture
Which is correct about gardening techniques when the soil is not improved with compost and other soil amendments?
  1. Crowd plants a little to compensate for decreased growth pote
  2. ncrease fertilization to compensate for poor soil conditions.
  3. Use small plants that establish roots quickly.
College Agriculture
Due to potential contamination with food borne pathogens (salmonella and E. coli), what is the minimum period from application of fresh manure to harvest of edible crops with direct soil contact?
  1. 4 months
  2. 4 weeks
  3. 2 weeks
  4. 2 months
College Agriculture
Which is correct about gardening techniques when the soil is not improved with compost and other soil amendments?
  1. Use small plants that establish roots quickly.
  2. Soil amendments have little influence on maintenance requirements.
  3. Crowd plants a little to compensate for decreased growth potential.
College Agriculture
Which is correct about using rock/gravel for mulch?
  1. Flowering shrubs thrive in rock mulch.
  2. For safety, avoid rock mulch adjacent to lawn areas
  3. Once applied, rock mulch requires no maintenance.
College Agriculture
Which is NOT a problem associated with over-amending a soil over a period of years?
  1. Micronutrient imbalance
  2. High ammonia
  3. Soil holds too much water, excluding air
College Agriculture
Why do gardeners relying solely on compost and/or manure typically have low nitrogen levels?
  1. High salts
  2. Lower need for nutrients in organic production
  3. Extremely slow nitrogen release rates in compost/manure products
College Agriculture
If cultivated into the soil 6-8 inches deep, what is the routine application rate of manure-based compost?
  1. 1 inch deep maximum, prior to cultivation
  2. 2-3 inches deep, prior to cultivation
  3. 1-2 inches deep, prior to cultivation
College Agriculture
For rapid decomposition, what is the desired proportion of green to brown materials in composting?
  1. 2 parts green to 1 part brown
  2. 2 parts brown to 1 part green
  3. 1 part green to 1 part brown
College Agriculture
Which is NOT a problem associated with over-amending a soil in a single application?
  1. Low nitrogen due to N tie-up in C:N ratio
  2. Low ammonia
  3. High nitrogen
College Agriculture
The cows uterus has 2 short, uterine horns and large uterine body.
  1. True
  2. False
College Agriculture
             Seed stock             producers have the greatest responsibility to track and improve genetic merit
College Agriculture
A gomer animal is used when collecting semen using an electroejaculator.
  1. True
  2. False
College Agriculture
The two components of range management are protection and enhancement of soil/vegetation, and Maintaining or improving the output of consumable range products?
  1. True
  2. False
College Agriculture
The bull has a fibroelastic penile structure.
  1. True
  2. False
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