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College Technology Questions

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College Business Technology
College Business Technology
What is strategic planning?
  1. A situation in which an organization asks for or requires employees to take time off for either no pay or reduced pay
  2. The buisness practice of sending jobs to other countries
  3. The knowledge, skills, and capabilities of individuals
  4. A statement about where the company is going and what it can become in the future
College Business Technology
What is Offshoring?
  1. A situation in which an organization asks for or requires employees to take time off for either no pay or reduced pay
  2. The buisness practice of sending jobs to other countries
  3. The process of managing human talent
  4. The process of dismissing employees who are then hired by a leasing company
College Business Technology
What is Human Resources Management?
  1. The process of managing human talent to acheive an organization's objective
  2. The act of watching people be managed
  3. The knowledge, skills, and capabilities of individuals
  4. The management or process of working with people of various degrees
College Business Technology
Database marketing allows companies to do which of the following? Check any that apply.
  1. Mine customer databases
  2. Manage transactions
  3. Inventory products
  4. Forecast fiances
  5. Create marketing lists
College Business Technology
Which technique of these is not supposed to be used during the "Plan Stakeholder Engagement" task ?
  1. Brainstorming
  2. Business Rules Analysis
  3. Business Cases
  4. Document Analysis
  5. Interviews
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