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College English as a Second Language ESL Questions

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College Frequently Confused Words
Which is correct?
  1. afterward
  2. afterwards
College Defining Words
Define display
  1. to hide or remove from sight
  2. to show or exhibit; make visible
College Defining Words
Pan is............
  1. a container
  2. a part of the scales for measurement
College Defining Words
What is the meaning of instrument?
  1. a thing
  2. a mechanical tool used for work
College Defining Words
Define precise
  1. the communication of an idea
  2. exact in statement, as a person.
College Frequently Misspelled Words
Which is correct?
  1. associate degree
  2. associate's degree
College Frequently Misspelled Words
Which is correct?
  1. cell phone
  2. cellphone
College Frequently Misspelled Words
Which is correct?
  1. child care
  2. child-care
College Seasons and Holidays
Who wrote the book "How The Grinch Stole Christmas?"
  1. Dr. Who
  2. Dr. Seuss
  3. Dr. Obrien
  4. Dr. Bradyy
College Seasons and Holidays
The first things the Grinch steals are
  1. Stockings
  2. Popcorn
  3. Shoes
  4. Presents
College English as a Second Language ESL
In these jokes, complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verb: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, or Past Continuous.

e.g. Yesterday I                 (watch) football on TV.
Yesterday I watched football on TV.

Last week Mr. Benton (1)       had       (have) a very bad backache, so he (2)          called          (call) the doctor to make an appointment.
"How (3)                 did it happen                ?" asked the receptionist.
"Well, I (4)               was walking               (walk) to work and I (5)           slipped           (slip) and (6)             fell over             (fall over)."
"OK, you can see the doctor on July 5th at ten o'clock."
"But that's in three weeks!" (7)        said        (say) Mr. Benton. "In three weeks time I might die!"
The receptionist (8)           thought           (think) for a moment. "OK, if you       die       (die), could you ask your wife to call us so we can cancel the appointment?"

A man (10)                was visiting                (visit) the city of York, and he (11)         asked         (ask) a young boy, "What's the fastest way to the station?"
"(12)                   Are you walking                   (you/walk) or (13)                   are you driving                   (you/drive)?"
"I (14)              am driving              (drive)."
"Good. That's the fastest way."
College Seasons and Holidays
The Grinch hates Christmas most of all because
  1. he hates the Whos
  2. his heart was two sizes too small
  3. his shoes are too tight
  4. his head wasn't screwed on right
College Seasons and Holidays
The name of the mountain Mr. Grinch climbed was
  1. Mt. Everest
  2. Mt. Seuss
  3. Mt. Trimmings
  4. Mt. Crumpit
College Frequently Confused Words
College Seasons and Holidays
Mr. Grinch's dog's name is
  1. Fred
  2. Max
  3. Jim
  4. Beast
College Frequently Confused Words
College Frequently Confused Words
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