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College Life Skills Questions

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College Personal Finance
Which of the following are warning signs that your finances may be in trouble?
  1. having barely enough to pay off the credit card bill each month, cannot buy a car, eating a lot of cheap pizza
  2. using savings for routine items, missed deadlines on bills, not buying important items
  3. not enough to go out to eat once a week, not enough to buy new clothes, not enough to buy new electronics
  4. need to ask to borrow more money, need to work more hours, need new roommates
College Communication Skills and Public Speaking
College Time Management and Productivity
College Stress Management and Health
Which of the following is NOT an EFFECTIVE response to stress?
  1. Exercising
  2. Laughing
  3. Over Eating
  4. Sleeping
  5. Meditating
College Stress Management and Health
Which of the following are considered INEFFECTIVE ways to manage stress?
  1. Over Eating
  2. Alcohol Use
  3. Aggressiveness
  4. Drug Use
  5. All of the Above
College Communication Skills and Public Speaking
Alyssa wants to become a better listener in the workplace. Which of the following is the best technique she can do to improve her listening skills?
  1. Don't maintain direct eye contact because doing so may distract the speaker.
  2. Interrupt whenever she has an opinion on the topic to share with her speaker.
  3. Rephrase and summarize the speaker's message in her own words.
  4. Avoid asking any questions because doing so may distract the speaker.
College Communication Skills and Public Speaking
College Stress Management and Health
To much stress can lead to:
  1. headaches
  2. high-blood pressure
  3. upset stomach
  4. all of the above
College Prenatal and Child Care
Children who do not receive adequate nutrition are at risk for:
  1. malnutrition
  2. poor intellectual development
  3. poor physical development
  4. all of the above
College Communication Skills and Public Speaking
College Communication Skills and Public Speaking
College Communication Skills and Public Speaking
College Communication Skills and Public Speaking
College Stress Management and Health
What should you do if you feel depressed?
  1. Stay inside your room
  2. Talk to a counselor
  3. Eat junk food
College Communication Skills and Public Speaking
What is the main danger of sexting?
  1. Getting caught by your parents
  2. Turning your partner off
  3. Your partner releasing the texts and pictures
  4. Getting addicted
College Communication Skills and Public Speaking
What is sexting?
  1. Sending nude photos
  2. Tending sexual texts
  3. Discussing intimacy over text
  4. All of the above
College Communication Skills and Public Speaking
What is the anxiety we feel about listening?
  1. Listening apprehension
  2. Listening
  3. Passive listening
  4. Active listening
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