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College Culinary Arts Questions

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College Culinary Skills
Sulfur has two roles in winemaking,              prevention              and             treatment            .

a. precipitation
b. prevention
c. transformation
d. treatment
College Culinary Skills
The two families of catalysts responsible for oxidation in wine are           phenols           and           ethanol          .

a. phenols
b. esters
c. ethanol
d. sulfites
College Culinary Skills
Define ingredient.
  1. a top news story
  2. a person obsessed
  3. an item used in a recipe
  4. a vegetable with green color
College Culinary Skills
In excess, higher alcohols like           isoamyl           and            isobutyl           can contribute bitterness to wine.
a. polyols
b. isobutyl
c. ellagitannins
d. isoamyl
College Culinary Skills
A recipe provides instructions on how to make something as well as what is needed to make it.
  1. True
  2. False
College Culinary Skills
Grape must oxidizes by an enzymatic pathway and finished wine oxidizes chemically.
  1. True
  2. False
College Culinary Skills
Uncooked food is raw food.
  1. True
  2. False
College Culinary Skills
For which task is it necessary to wear gloves?
  1. handling raw foods that will be cooked
  2. handling raw foods that will not be cooked
  3. handling all types of food
  4. all of the time except not when handling raw vegetables for salad
College Culinary Skills
Identify the cooking method that does not enable the Maillard reaction to occur.
  1. frying
  2. steaming
  3. grilling
  4. broiling
College Culinary Skills
Identify the similarity between caramelization and the Maillard reaction.
  1. both are enzymatic browning
  2. both need high temperature and high moisture
  3. both need low temperature and high moisture
  4. both are non-enzymatic browning
College Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
The best use for a kitchen knife is
  1. opening packages.
  2. cutting food.
  3. opening cans.
  4. cutting cardboard.
College Culinary Arts
A menu is a list of dishes that a restaurant will serve a customer.
  1. True
  2. False
College Meal Planning
What are the two categories of carbohydrates?
  1. saturated and unsaturated
  2. simple and complex
  3. bad and better
  4. good and bad
College Culinary Skills
In the same order of this list, identify the origin of pork, veal, lamb, beef and poultry.
  1. pig, cow, sheep, bull and bird
  2. cow, sheep, pig, bird and chicken
  3. pig, bird, sheep, cow and young cow
  4. pig, young cow, sheep, cow and bird
College Culinary Skills
The process of storing vacuum-packed meats under refrigeration for up to six weeks is called                
  1. wet aging
  2. dry aging
College Culinary Skills
Chocolate contains ingredients that may be addictive for some people.
  1. True
  2. False
College Culinary Skills
Identify the proper word for sheep meat.
  1. poultry
  2. lork
  3. lamb
  4. beef
College Culinary Skills
Ambient yeast strains are not always robust enough to ferment a wine to dryness.
  1. True
  2. False
College Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
What is the leading cause of knife injuries?
  1. Sharp blades
  2. Improper cutting techniques
  3. Sticky food
  4. Dull blades
College Culinary Skills
What question was Louis Camille Maillard working on when he identified the Maillard reaction in the early 20th century?
  1. how wounds heal
  2. how amino acids form proteins
  3. how to cure meats
  4. how proteins convert into fat
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