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College Hotel Management and Hospitality Questions

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College Hotel Management and Hospitality
What is an important principle in ecotourism, where in the host culture is incorporated respectfully and meaningfully into the events design?
  1. Cultural Sustainability
  2. Global Sustainability
  3. Community Sustainability
  4. Local Sustainability
College Hotel Management and Hospitality
                is one of the most important aspects of greener events, not only because it sales the event as contemporary and ethical, but also because it educates patrons.
  1. Adveritising
  2. Marketing
  3. Promotions
  4. Social Media
College Hotel Management and Hospitality
What qualities should an event planner have when embracing emerging technology?
  1. extremely cautious
  2. flexible
  3. prepared to implement numerous contingency plans
  4. all of the above
College Hotel Management and Hospitality
What is one of the biggest sources of income for professional associations?
  1. Annual Conferences
  2. Conventions
  3. Exhibitions
  4. All of the above
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