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College Early Childhood Education Questions

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College Early Childhood Education
Scaffolding is a term that is used in early childhood development. Which of the following is true about scaffolding?
  1. The term relates to Vygotsky’s notion of assisted performance
  2. Vygotsky believed that only adults should assist performance
  3. Adults should avoid scaffolding and let children solve problems on their own to increase their self-esteem
  4. The term was coined by a child playing in the block corner
College Early Childhood Education
A teacher’s role includes                                    .
  1. communicating with parents
  2. observing and listening to children
  3. creating a safe environment
  4. creating curriculum
  5. All of these are correct.
College Early Childhood Education
What would be the most appropriate way to help preschool children develop fine motor skills?
  1. Have a specific time each day where all the children practice handwriting
  2. Have a designated time each day where all the children use a pencil to either draw or write
  3. Provide an abundance of fine motor activities and allow children to choose activities they wish to participate in
  4. Require each child to spend at least 30 minutes per day working on fine motor skills
College Early Childhood Education
A routine includes                                         .
  1. consistency of daily repeated activities
  2. a variety of choices
  3. coming to school
  4. new ideas for the children
College Early Childhood Education
Which of the following is not suggested as a way to promote self-esteem in young children?
  1. Give children opportunities to experience success
  2. Allow children to experience failure sometimes as a means of feedback
  3. Praise everything children do, even if you do not mean it
  4. Give children honest feedback
College Early Childhood Education
Belinda is just beginning to introduce the children in her classroom to data analysis. She is planning to have them graph shoes. Which of the following activities would be the best beginning activity?
  1. Use pictures of the shoes and design a bar graph
  2. Use small plastic shoes on a bar graph
  3. Use the children’s actual shoes and a floor bar graph
  4. Use colored pieces of paper to represent each type of shoe and place them on a bar graph
College Early Childhood Education
Which of the following is NOT a brain function?
  1. memory
  2. processing
  3. conclusion
  4. retention
College Early Childhood Education
How can adults help children cope with anger?
  1. By downplaying the feeling
  2. By putting the child in time-out so he will learn not to have those feelings
  3. By helping the child redirect the energy and work through the feeling
  4. By refusing to label the feeling
College Early Childhood Education
A program geared toward the safety of children will attend to                           .
  1. face masks
  2. latex gloves
  3. a daily screening check
  4. covered electrical outlets
College Early Childhood Education
The developmentally appropriate environment teaches children to be responsible for personal care by                                                    .
  1. giving children time to complete tasks on their own
  2. providing choices of activity
  3. having places for children’s belongings
  4. offering challenging material on a regular basis
College Early Childhood Education
Which of the following behaviors might be resolved by changing the environment?
  1. Two children fighting over a toy fire engine.
  2. Children wandering rather than participating in activities during center time.
  3. Children climbing on furniture.
  4. All of the above.
College Early Childhood Education
Which of the following would be the best example of a learning center as defined by the book?
  1. A folder containing a matching game
  2. A collection of fossils in a locked glass case
  3. An area containing a variety of different hands on activities
  4. All of the above
College Early Childhood Education
Which of the following is a belief that was promoted by Montessori, Piaget, and Malaguzzi?
  1. They all believe that children learn through play
  2. They all believe that it is important to first teach the child the correct way to use a material before giving the material to the child
  3. They all promote the “plan, do, review” method
  4. They all believe that it is best if the teacher takes a “hands-off” approach to teaching
College Early Childhood Education
College Early Childhood Education
To be considered sociodramatic play, which of the following criteria must be present?
  1. The child role plays pretending to be another person, animal, or object.
  2. The child make-believes with actions and objects.
  3. The child coordinates roles and plots with at least one other person.
  4. All of the above
College Early Childhood Education
When working with families from a strength-based perspective, what must an early childhood educator implement?
  1. Form a relationship with that family.
  2. Look for every family’s strengths and focus on those.
  3. Acknowledge the family’s strengths to its members.
  4. When you have problems finding strengths, focus on the areas of improvement for each member of the family.
College Early Childhood Education
Much of unacceptable behavior needs to be…
  1. ignored
  2. negatively reinforced
  3. punished
  4. redirected
College Early Childhood Education
Which of the following best describes discipline?
  1. It is the same as guidance
  2. It must be harsh to work
  3. t works all the time with every child if you find the right method
  4. It is to be avoided
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