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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Culinary Arts Questions

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Grade 11 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
The immune systems of very young children, pregnant women, the elderly, and chronically ill people are at greatest risk to develop food-borne infections.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 11 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
Inadequate cooking (undercooking food) is the leading cause of cross contamination.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 11 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
What is the proper way to pass a knife to another person?
  1. hand it to the person by the handle
  2. hand it to the person by loosely holding onto the table
  3. put the knife in its carrying case, and hand it to the person
  4. place the knife on a sanitized surface, and let the person pick it up by the handle
Grade 11 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
One should wash their hands with soap and the hottest water they can withstand for 15 seconds.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 11 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
In order to wash hands correctly, what is the first thing a food handler must do?
  1. apply soap
  2. wet hands and arms
  3. scrub hands and arms vigorously
  4. use a single-use paper towel to dry hands
Grade 11 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
At what temperature does water boil?
  1. 100 degrees F
  2. 180 degrees F
  3. 212 degrees F
  4. 250 degrees F
Grade 11 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
When a glass is broken, what should be done with nearby food?
  1. cover it
  2. throw it out
  3. store it until the glass is cleaned up
  4. inspect it for glass shards before serving it
Grade 11 Culinary Skills
Identify the main function of an acidic ingredient in a marinade.
  1. reduces cooking time
  2. firms the skin for flavor absorption
  3. softens foods for flavor absorption
  4. adds nutrition to the dish
Grade 11 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
Of all the microorganisms, bacteria are the greatest threat to food safety.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 11 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
Gastroenteritis is the medical term for both food poisoning and food infections caused by bacteria.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 11 Baking Skills
To tell if the cupcakes are finished you use a                
  1. Toothpick
  2. Baseball bat
  3. Finger
Grade 11 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
What task requires food handlers to wash their hands before and after doing it?
  1. taking out garbage
  2. touching clothing or aprons
  3. handling raw meat, poultry, or seafood
  4. using chemicals that might affect food safety
Grade 11 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
Molds and yeast are both fungi.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 11 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
Viruses are dangerous because they readily reproduce by themselves outside of living cells.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 11 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
One cup equals how many fluid ounces?
  1. 4
  2. 8
  3. 10
  4. 12
Grade 11 Culinary Skills
Identify the main function of oil in a marinade.
  1. enhances aromatics
  2. adds moisture and flavor
  3. coats and protects the food
  4. adds nutritional value
Grade 11 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
Beneficial microorganisms are called pathogens.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 11 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
Identify what food handlers should do when carrying hot food.
  1. warn others that they are coming through
  2. move quickly because the food will cool off
  3. move extremely slow because the food is so hot
  4. always have the right-of-way and move at their own pace
Grade 11 Culinary Skills
The        yolk        is the egg's major source of vitamins and minerals, including protein and essential fatty acids.
Grade 11 Culinary Math
If a recipe calls for four cups of milk, it is calling for 16 fluid ounces.
  1. True
  2. False
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