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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Cosmetology Questions

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Grade 11 Cosmetology
The technical term for the study of hair is called:
  1. biology
  2. hairology
  3. cosmetology
  4. trichology
Grade 11 Cosmetology
Grade 11 Cosmetology
Grade 11 Cosmetology
A trimmer, also know as an edger, is a tool used to:
  1. create beveling
  2. part and distribute the hair
  3. outline and refine the hairline
  4. create short lengths within the form
Grade 11 Cosmetology
What is the average amount of daily hair loss?
  1. 10 to 20 strands
  2. 40 to 100 strands
  3. 250 to 500 strands
  4. 1,000 strands
Grade 11 Cosmetology
During a retouch procedure, apply mixture to:
  1. ends only
  2. faded areas only
  3. entire hair structure
  4. base (new growth) area only
Grade 11 Cosmetology
The outer boundary or silhouette of any shape or form is known as the:
  1. structure
  2. form line
  3. structure graphic
  4. normal projection
Grade 11 Cosmetology
A layered cut or 90 degree cut is know as:?
  1. solid form
  2. graduated form
  3. increased layered form
  4. uniformly layered form
Grade 11 Cosmetology
During a retouch procedure, apply mixture to:
  1. ends only
  2. faded ares only
  3. entire hair structure
  4. base(new growth) area only
Grade 11 Cosmetology
Grade 11 Cosmetology
Grade 11 Cosmetology
What is the natural flow of hair determined by?
  1. the angle of the follicle
  2. the size of the follicle
  3. the shape of the head
  4. the number of follicles
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