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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) Antonyms Questions

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Grade 8 Antonyms
Grade 8 Antonyms
Which of the following is the opposite of cramped?
  1. pivotal
  2. caustic
  3. capacious
  4. ungainly
Grade 8 Antonyms
Which word is the ANTONYM of VANQUISH?
  1. proponent
  2. victory
  3. defeat
  4. lose
Grade 8 Antonyms
Grade 8 Antonyms
Grade 8 Antonyms
Grade 8 Antonyms
Grade 8 Antonyms
The antonym for RELUCTANT is:
  1. hesitant
  2. eager
  3. slowly
  4. quickly
Grade 8 Antonyms CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.8.5b
Antonym for imperative
  1. clash
  2. verbose
  3. hurry along
  4. essential
Grade 8 Antonyms CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.8.5b
Antonym for steadfast
  1. fickle
  2. stray
  3. atrocity
  4. essential
Grade 8 Antonyms
Grade 8 Antonyms
An antonym for MIRACLE is:
  1. extraordinary
  2. ordinary
  3. sensible
  4. unexplainable
Grade 8 Antonyms
An antonym for ASTONISHED is:
  1. wonder
  2. easy
  3. awe
  4. bored
Grade 8 Antonyms
The best antonym for CONSOLE is:
  1. comfort
  2. to upset
  3. calming
  4. none of the above
Grade 8 Antonyms CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.8.5b
Antonym for vaunted
  1. soft-pedaled
  2. humorless
  3. loot
  4. jive
Grade 8 Antonyms CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.8.5b
Antonym for Impediment
  1. meek
  2. help
  3. downplayed
  4. extol
Grade 8 Antonyms
The best antonym for "reluctant" is:
  1. hesitate
  2. lazy
  3. eager
  4. unwilling
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