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Australian Geography Questions - All Grades

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Grade 5 Australian Geography
Grade 5 Australian Geography
Grade 5 Australian Geography
What is the capital of Australia?
  1. Alice Springs
  2. Canberra
  3. Sydeny
  4. Perth
Grade 5 Australian Geography
Which nearby island is considered part of Australia?
  1. New Zealand
  2. Papua New Guinea
  3. Tasmania
  4. Tonga
Grade 5 Australian Geography
What name is used for the dry interior of Australia?
  1. The Outback
  2. The Bilabong
  3. The Great Divide
  4. The Nullarbor Plain
Grade 5 Australian Geography
Grade 8 Australian Geography
What is the capital of Australia?
  1. Melbourne
  2. Canberra
  3. Perth
  4. Brisbane
Grade 6 Australian Geography
What is the biggest island in Oceania?
  1. New Guinea
  2. Australia
  3. Tonga
  4. Java
Grade 7 Australian Geography
What is New Zealand's capital?
  1. Hobart
  2. Aukland
  3. Wellington
  4. Port Moresby
Grade 7 Australian Geography
What is the capital of Australia?
  1. Alice Springs
  2. Melbourne
  3. Canberra
  4. Sydney
Grade 6 Australian Geography
Grade 4 Australian Geography
Grade 7 Australian Geography
Of which country is Nuku'alofa the capital?
  1. Wallis and Futuna
  2. Palau
  3. Tonga
  4. Fiji
Grade 7 Australian Geography
Grade 7 Australian Geography
Grade 7 Australian Geography
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