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European Geography Questions - All Grades

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Grade 6 European Geography
What separates Europe from Asia?
  1. Ural Mountains
  2. The Red Sea
  3. The Rhine
  4. The Alps
Grade 6 European Geography
Grade 6 European Geography
What is the longest European River?
  1. Seine
  2. Volga
  3. Tiber
  4. Danube
Grade 6 European Geography
Grade 7 European Geography
What is the capital of France?
  1. Versailles
  2. Bordeaux
  3. Lyon
  4. Paris
Grade 6 European Geography
Grade 9 European Geography
What is the capital of the United Kingdom?
  1. Cardiff
  2. London
  3. Dublin
  4. Edinburgh
Grade 7 European Geography
Kiev is the capital of what country?
  1. Russia
  2. Bulgaria
  3. Ukraine
  4. Belarus
Grade 6 European Geography
What is the southern border of Northern Europe?
  1. Baltic Sea
  2. Thames River
  3. Caspian Sea
  4. Pyrenees Mountains
Grade 7 European Geography
Grade 6 European Geography
Grade 7 European Geography
What is the capital of Germany?
  1. Berlin
  2. Munich
  3. Frankfort
  4. Strasbourg
Grade 7 European Geography
What is the capital of Finland?
  1. Oslo
  2. Helsinki
  3. Stockholm
  4. Copenhagen
Grade 7 European Geography
Sofia is the capital of what country?
  1. Ukraine
  2. Cyprus
  3. Iceland
  4. Bulgaria
Grade 6 European Geography
Grade 6 European Geography
What is the capital of Scotland?
  1. Perth
  2. Glasgow
  3. Aberdeen
  4. Edinburgh
Grade 6 European Geography
What is the smallest European country?
  1. Andora
  2. Monaco
  3. Vatican City
  4. Liechtenstein
Grade 7 European Geography
What is the capital of the Netherlands?
  1. Brussels
  2. Antwerp
  3. The Hague
  4. Amsterdam
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